


Art is a fundamental aspect of daily life since it allows us to appreciate the expressions artists express in their works, which reflect feelings, moments, everyday life, or abstract images that encompass excellent terms. If you want to start trading your NFTs, visit Bitcoin Prime.

The art galleries

They are spaces accessible to the public, whose main activity is the exhibition, purchase, and sale of works of art, thus encouraging the development, propagation, and popularity of art, artists, and artistic expressions.

Galleries exclusive to the antique trade are not part of the statistics of these formal establishments.

Art, also in addition to being a means to manifest expressions and sensitize artists, has healing, liberating, and personal growth effect, which contributes to the approach of a better society.


They are non-fungible Tokens and are handled as a digital certificate of authenticity thanks to blockchain technology, which refers to a specific digital file; this aspect has developed a new boom in digital expression, taking the art trade to its highest level during the year 2021 and today.

Art from the point of view that is appreciated, whether digital or material, is essential, where both trends have their advantages and disadvantages, some are inclined towards physical art, embodied on canvas or any other type of palpable biological material. However, some go for technology, which are up to date with the new forms of digital commerce, who prefer to invest in the latest works of growing virtual artists.

The basis of value in digital art is cryptocurrencies, backed by blockchain technology; these works allow their authors to gain popularity and profits.

These tokens are valued at millions of dollars, and people are acquiring them in an uncontrolled way, particularly anyone can tokenize their work to offer it as an NFT, this as a result of first sales such as multi-million dollar sales of them.

In 2011, the Nyan Cat Gif, representing the meme of a flying cat made of cookies, was sold for more than $500,000.

In the same way, the Canadian artist Grimes sold a collection of digital works for 6 million dollars.


Divergences between both currents

When talking about traditional art, we raise our senses to themes such as spirituality, nature, humanity, and many more aspects, in which artists such as Picasso, Da Vinci, and Paul Cezanne, promoters of the Renaissance, Baroque and Italian art, have stood out, in addition to the current of cubism that immerses geometry in artistic expressions.

NFTs will never supplant traditional art since this comes from the soul and manifests human emotions and feelings embodied in the real world; these tokens are preferred for their rarity and supply modernized human desires.

The main aspects that stand out and differentiate these two currents are creation, authenticity, market, legitimacy, ease of access, preservation, and market scope.

In digital art, crypto artists exhibit their work on platforms specially selected by them, leaving aside third parties to offer digital artwork.

One of the most notable differences is that digital art will be heavily supported by the metaverse, where it will have an area of ​​this world exclusively for digital artists to showcase their creations.


Cryptocurrencies are the new boom in the modern and virtual economy; with the invention of unique and applied tokens in art, a new form of appreciation, trade, and valuation of new works, unique, abstract, and modern, was given way, which has become the greed of many of the virtual users who are followers of this current of contemporary and virtual art.

Although digital works are at the forefront and generate much more profit and popularity by owning them, they can never replace the art born from the being and feeling of the artist’s soul, capturing his most hidden feelings and emotions on a particular aspect.

Acquiring NFTs is currently more advantageous than a work by Picasso since it is cryptocurrencies that are at the forefront of the virtual economy and are constantly increasing in demand and appreciation.

Having a token of a digital work provides the satisfaction of being the only absolute owner of that art, which can be copied but never supplanted the ownership and originality of its certificate.

Increasingly we can see how the cryptographic market covers many more areas, contributing to economic inclusion and equitable possibilities for the entire population in general.

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If Life is just a game and luck is for losers - Then I am winning the game


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