
Quinn Loftis’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Quinn Loftis Quotes 

Love reading? Then it’s likely you will love a good quote from your favourite author. This article covers Quinn Loftis’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes that we at Australia Unwrapped have collected from some of his greatest works. Quinn Loftis quotes to remember and here you will find 10 of the best. A memorable quote can stay with you and can be used along your journey. Choosing Quinn Loftis’s top 10 quotes is not easy, but here they are:

Popular Quotes

“Jennifer, you have to wake up and ride me”
― Quinn Loftis, Out of the Dark

 “You’re so hypno-something, could you be the devil, could you be an angel, your touch is something good, feels like
going floating, leave my body glowing.”

“Katy Perry? She’s singing Katy Perry in the hospital bathroom. Just when you think you’ve seen it all,” Sally mumbled. She knocked on the door again. Still no answer, so she started banging. Then she was banging and hollering, “JEN! OPEN THE FREAKING DOOR!” Wouldn’t you know, she just sang louder. Why am I not surprised, she thought.”
― Quinn Loftis, Blood Rites

“She gets a man who will love her completely and faithfully. She gets a man who will not only save her life, but lay down his own to keep her safe. He will provide for her no matter the cost, he will shelter her against all storms that come their way, he will be the one to bring a smile to her face when no one else can. She gets a friend, a lover, a mate, the only man in this world who can complete her and give her the other half of her soul.”
― Quinn Loftis, Blood Rites

 “Did you say ‘yes’ to going out on a date with him?” Sally asked Jacque. “All I got to say is if she said no, she might not want to go to sleep tonight ‘cause I’m going to dye her hair blonde to compliment her being a dumb ass,” Jen told them. “Uh, Jen, you’re a blonde,” Jacque pointed out. “No, not really, God just got it wrong and it was too late to change it once He noticed.”
― Quinn Loftis, Prince of Wolves

 “Decebel turned and growled, “One of these days your mouth is going to write a check that your cute little ass can’t cash.” Decebel thought this would render her speechless but he should have known better.
“Oh, don’t worry fur ball, I plan to be writing that check out in your name.”
― Quinn Loftis, Blood Rites

 “Kiss me, k-k-kiss me, infect me with your love, and fill me with your poison, take me, t-t-take me, wanna be your victim, ready for abduction boy, you’re a werewolf, your touch is so furry, its supernatural, extra-werewolf-iestrial,” Jen sung as loud as she could.”
― Quinn Loftis, Blood Rites

“Do all of you think we have fleas?” Decebel asked as he looked at Jen and Sally.
“I think we just make an assumption because of the hair and what not, that you, ya know, might have a problem with the little buggers when you in your wolf form.”
― Quinn Loftis, Blood Rites

 “Alright then, I guess that’s settled,” Lilly said, then she turned to Fane, “Lay a paw on my little girl and you will be a three legged Lassie, got it?”
Fane winced and then asked, “You both do realize I’m a wolf not a dog right?”
― Quinn Loftis, Prince of Wolves

“When you say gorgeous,” Jen started, “are we talking Brad Pitt boyish good looks, or Johnny Depp make ya want to slap somebody?” “No, we’re talking Brad and Johnny need to bow down and recognize” Jacque answered.”
― Quinn Loftis, Prince of Wolves

“Ugh, I swear I’d rather stab myself in the eye with a spoon repeatedly than be nice to some idiot, which means pretty much anyone I come in contact with. Damn, I’d be stabbing my eye a lot.”
― Quinn Loftis, Beyond the Veil

10 Famous Quotes by Author Quinn Loftis

10 quotes by Quinn Loftis there you go! It’s never an easy task picking the best quotations from great writers, so please if you disagree or have more to add, please comment and share your opinions. My 10 greatest Quinn Loftis quotes will likely be different from yours; however, that’s the best thing about them, each quote can mean something different to each person. So don’t wait, comment and shares your best Quinn Loftis Quote. 

One Final Bonus – Quinn Loftis Quote 

“Jen rolled her eyes and let out a huff of air. “You got the knocking part right, fluffy, but you forgot the part where you are asked to come in. You don’t just knock and then walk-in.” Jen turned to Sally, shaking her head. “You should think they at least have some sort of puppy training class or something.”
“If you aren’t careful, he’s going to be picking Jen-kibble out of his teeth after his next meal,” Sally whispered under her breath as Decebel continued to stare Jen down.
Jen’s gaze never wavered as she responded to Sally, “And what makes you think I object to being dinner?”

― Quinn Loftis, Prince of Wolves

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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