
Best Quotes About Controlling Parents

Quotes About Controlling Parents

Here is some of the best stoic about Controlling Parents:

Best Quotes On Controlling Parents From Stoicism

Best Quotes About Controlling Parents – As a practicing Stoic, I have used many quotes on Controlling Parents to help me, inspire me, or keep me sane. I hope you find some gain and drive in some of Stoicism’s finest quotes on Controlling Parents. Developing peace of mind through confidence in one’s abilities is what Stoicism is all about and knowing that this is ancient Controlling Parents, along with applications by modern great, you know the Stoic beliefs stand up.

Stoic Quotes on Controlling Parents

“The fear of abandonment forced me to comply as a child, but I’m not forced to comply anymore. The key people in my life did reject me for telling the truth about my abuse, but I’m not alone. Even if the consequence for telling the truth is rejection from everyone I know, that’s not the same death threat that it was when I was a child. I’m a self-sufficient adult and abandonment no longer means the end of my life.”

– Christina Enevoldsen

“Abuse grows from attitudes and values, not feelings. The roots are ownership, the trunk is entitlement, and the branches are control.”

– Lundy Bancroft

“The problem with the evangelical homeschool movement was not their desire to educate their children at home, or in private religious schools, but the evangelical impulse to “protect” children from ideas that might lead them to “question” and to keep them cloistered in what amounted to a series of one-family gated communities.”

Frank Schaeffer

“Narcissists are very retaliative if they believe another has achieved what they desire, exposed their insecurities, or refused to be under their control.”

– Lorraine Nilon

“Children are not born for the benefit of their parents, neither are they the property of their family. Children belong to the future.”

– Anthon St. Maarten

Stoic Quotes on Controlling Parents the Best Quotes From the Stoics

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Teboho Ibrahim
Teboho Ibrahim
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