Following her graduation from college and her mother’s sudden passing, Emily Cooper relocates to New York City with her boyfriend in order to start again. Even while her inner voice cautions her to take it easy, Emily can’t fathom her life without Dillon Parker because he has been so kind, kind, and generous during her loss.
Author: Gail McHugh
Here are our personal top picks of other good romance books like Collide that will surely get you hooked. Hope you’ll find a good fit to your taste!
(1)Love Unscripted
Men should ideally be avoided, in Taryn Mitchell’s opinion. She can’t help but be lured in by Ryan Christensen’s charm, charmer, and striking good looks when he unexpectedly rushes through the front door of her pub. Every lady in Seaport is fawning about Ryan, who is six feet two, has a fantastic figure, dirty blond hair, and blue eyes. The average girl is not Taryn, though.
Author: Tina Reber
(2)Arsen. A broken love story 
To me, one makes out. The other makes me burn.
One is my pillar. My kryptonite is the other one.
Author: Mia Asher
He was a problem right away, but I couldn’t help myself. She was mischief at its finest. I’ve tried to avoid him, but it’s been impossible. The type that felt so terrible, yet was right. He’s virtually impossible to say no to, and I’ve done everything in my ability to make her mine and keep her. She never says yes, and we are constantly at odds. He makes me laugh so hard. When we’re not arguing, we’re, well, making up. I lie. I miss her laugh the most.
Author: M. Mabie
Denny, Kiera’s partner of over two years, has been everything she could have ever wished for: caring, tender, and completely devoted to her. Everything seems to be going well for them as they move to a new city to begin their lives together—Denny at his dream career and Kiera at a prestigious institution. The happy pair is then split apart by an unexpected duty. Kiera seeks solace from an unlikely person when she is feeling sad, confused, and alone: a local rock sensation named Kellan Kyle. He is first just a buddy she can rely on, but as her loneliness deepens, so does their connection. Then, all of a sudden, everything changes, and nobody will ever be the same again.
Author: S.C. Stephens
The epitome of perfection is Peter. Because let’s face it, any person that hot has got to be naughty, it appears as though he fell from his angel perch in purgatory. Most likely, he was sent here to wreck her life.
Author: H.M. Ward
Best Books to Read Like Collide
That was fast! I hope the above books give you the excitement to grab the book of your choice. If you find Collide interesting, the other four books will provide the same thrill!
Let us know how you feel. Write your comments below on books that you have enjoyed similar to Collide
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