
Top 5 Best Books like The Proposition

The Proposition

Aidan Fitzgerald, the resident company womanizer, is accustomed to always getting his way, especially in the bedroom. He’s determined to have Emma no matter what it takes after she rejects him at the workplace holiday party. When Aidan learns about Emma’s situation, he moves quickly to make a suggestion that will help them both. Emma must naturally conceive the kid she will father with him. Emma is reluctant to accept his offer because she doesn’t like hook-ups or casual sex, but his charm and her strong desire to become a mother convince her to. Soon, their baby-making sessions progress beyond merely physical contact.

Author: Katie Ashley

Here are our personal top picks of other good romance books like The Proposition that will surely get you hooked. Hope you’ll find a good fit to your taste!

(1)After Forever

I’m no longer sure of who I am. I’m a sailor. Lost. Drowning. I cherish you. I only have that to cling to since it is the only thing I know to be true. I cherish you. You have my undying love. I will love you always and in whatever world comes after this one. Ever, you have my undying love. You are missed. Jesus, I miss you so much. Return to me.

Author: Jasinda Wilder


(2)This Broken Beautiful Thing

I was aware that everything would change after tonight. That is for the best…My lover of the previous four years, the boy of my dreams, the love of my life, and the soul mate, was finally going to learn my secret.
I wasn’t ready for what really transpired.I never anticipated losing both my boyfriend and best friend in the same night. This wasn’t how things were meant to turn out.

Author: Sophie Summers


(3)The Wrath of Cain

Just hours after saying “I do,” she discovered her husband Cain with another woman, shattering her idyllic life. She crosses the border to Windsor, Canada after having her heart crushed in order to escape the misery she encountered. She was adamant about attending college and achieving her goal of becoming a lawyer. Calla travels back to Detroit to get Cain to sign divorce papers after being married for six long years, but only Cain has changed. He has cause to be resentful and furious.

Author: Kathy Coopmans 


(4) Not To Us

I start to think about how inevitable change is at that point. It all leads to Michael, but fate soon tests their perfect union, leaving the reader to wonder: If you get a second chance, do you take a different path? Not To Us is an insightful look into one woman’s personal journey in realizing the only way to keep her one and only wish is to trust the ones that matter, starting with her best friend.

Author: Katherine Owen 


(5) Bereft

Seven years into our marriage, I believed we were generally content. I had no idea that my spouse wasn’t. For the last six months, he had been playing tricks on me. Now that we are close to getting a divorce, I’m in a pickle.He is only half my age and has a stubborn body. Who am I kidding? I keep telling myself that it’s retaliation. I’ve now destroyed everything instead of just getting even. I must make a decision, and it will be much more difficult than I anticipated.

Author: Jennifer Foor


Best Books to Read Like The Proposition

That was fast! I hope the above books give you the excitement to grab the book of your choice. If you find The Proposition interesting, the other four books will provide the same thrill!

Let us know how you feel. Write your comments below on books that you have enjoyed similar to The Proposition

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