
Top 5 Best Books like The Scorpio Races

The Scorpio Races

A competition to win. Others struggle to stay alive. The Scorpio Races take place at the start of every November. To make it to the finish line, riders try to maintain control of their water horses. People that bike live. Others pass away. Sean Kendrick, who is nineteen years old, is the reigning champion. He is a quiet young man, and if he harbors any anxieties, he buries them deep so that no one else can see them. Puck Connolly stands alone. She had no intention of competing in the Scorpio Races. But she doesn’t have a lot of options due to fate. She becomes the first girl to ever enter the competition by doing so. She is not at all ready for what is about to occur.

Author:Maggie Stiefvater

Here are our personal top picks of other good romance books like The Scorpio Races that will surely get you hooked. Hope you’ll find a good fit to your taste!

(1)Nettle & Bone

She avoided the conventional fate of princesses, which is to be married off for the benefit of an indifferent throne, by virtue of being the shy, convent-raised, third-born daughter. However, her sister wasn’t that lucky, and after years of keeping silent, Marra is tired of witnessing her sister’s suffering at the hands of a strong and violent prince.

Author: T. Kingfisher



She is raised in a cave in the middle of a wild forest by her mother, but on a spring breeze that is fragrant with promise, she sometimes has dreams of a distant lake. Additionally, she decides her destiny is at the court of King Artos of Caer Leon after hearing a traveler mention him. She then breaches her agreement with her mother and sets out for Caer Leon on her bony gelding, full of magic and eager to put her strength to the test.

Author: Nicola Griffith 


(3)The Beginning Place

When Irena Pannis first discovered the starting point, she was thirteen years old. She now views Hugh as a trespasser because she has grown to know and love the kind residents of Tembreabrezi, or Mountaintown, over the course of the past seven years.

Author: Ursula K. Le Guin 


(4) The Golden Enclaves

What you’ll do after leaving the school is the one topic you never discuss while there. Even the wealthiest enclaver wouldn’t tempt fate in such a manner. But it’s all we dream about: the hideously slim chance we’ll survive to make it out the gates and improbably find ourselves with a life ahead of us, a life outside the Scholomance halls.

Author: Naomi Novik 



(5) Graceling

The novel Graceling narrates the account of Katsa, a smart, attractive, and fragile woman who lives in the Seven Kingdoms where certain individuals are born with a Grace, a unique skill that can be anything. The grace of Katsa is deadly. She is compelled to use her extraordinary skills as the king’s cruel enforcer since she is his niece. Until the day Katsa meets Prince Po, a man gifted with fighting prowess, and her life starts to change. She never envisions herself as Po’s friend. She never anticipates discovering a shocking new fact about her own Grace or about a dreadful secret that is kept in a remote location. ..a secret that, with only words, may annihilate all seven kingdoms.

Author: Kristin Cashore


Best Books to Read Like The Scorpio Races

That was fast! I hope the above books give you the excitement to grab the book of your choice. If you find The Scorpio Races interesting, the other four books will provide the same thrill!

Let us know how you feel. Write your comments below on books that you have enjoyed similar to The Scorpio Races

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