World Pneumonia Day
World Pneumonia Day is celebrated every year on 12 November. The annual Globe Pneumonia Day provides a platform for the world to unite in the battle against Pneumonia and raise awareness. On 12 November 2009, the Global Coalition against Child Pneumonia, a coalition of more than 100 organizations dedicated to protecting children’s health, held the first-ever World Pneumonia Day. Save The Children artist ambassadors Gwyneth Paltrow and Hugh Laurie, Save The Children’s C.E.O. Charles MacCormack, PneumoADIP’s Orin Levine, Hedge Funds vs Malaria & Pneumonia’s Lance Laifer, the Global Health Council, the G.A.V.I. Alliance and the Sabin Vaccine Institute all issued a joint call to action on World Pneumonia Day, which takes place on 2 November.
Pneumonia is a disease that affects 155 million children under the age of five every year and kills 1.6 million. In children under 5, Pneumonia is now the leading cause of death, taking more lives than AIDS, malaria, and measles. Yet, Pneumonia is rarely mentioned in the media, despite its high mortality toll. World Pneumonia Day aims to raise awareness of this public health emergency and inspire policymakers and community activists to take action. Pneumonia may be treated and prevented at a reasonable cost.
Immunization against Haemophilus influenzae type B and Streptococcus pneumonia and the most prevalent viral cause of Pneumonia, Orthomyxoviridae, is available. In addition, the condition can be cured with an antibiotic course that costs less than $1 (U.S.) if it is begun early enough. WHO and UNICEF’s Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia (G.A.P.P.), released on World Pneumonia Day 2009, found that pneumonia prevention and treatment interventions could save 1 million children each year if widely implemented in the world’s poorest countries.
The inaugural World Pneumonia Day was celebrated in 2009 by the Global Coalition Against Child Pneumonia. They hoped to educate the public about the seriousness of Pneumonia and to unite in a global effort to draw attention to the under-recognized affliction. Since the inaugural World Pneumonia Day in 2009, the day has been marked under the overarching theme “Healthy Lungs for All.” In addition, the slogan has been updated to reflect recent running campaign goals, such as ensuring that those at risk of contracting the illness have adequate protection and that treatment facilities are readily available.
Do you know? Pneumonia potentially killed an estimated 1.2 million children per year when the inaugural World Pneumonia Day was held in 1997. After recognizing this day on an international and global scale for four years, WHO and UNICEF created an integrated global action plan to prevent and control Pneumonia and diarrhoea in 2013. “Every Breath Counts” was the name of the first public-private partnership to help governments in their efforts to accomplish the Global Action Plan for Pneumonia and Diarrhea (G.A.P.P.D.). Pneumonia, the potentially common cause of death in children and adults, has also been targeted by several different programmes.
How To Celebrate
Wear a pearl ribbon around your neck and be prepared to explain its significance to everyone who inquires. The more you talk about this condition, the more likely you will come across someone who needs your support. Talk about this sickness with your friends and family because you never know who could need your aid. Join your local health organizations or medical groups and join in their efforts to raise awareness about the adverse effects of this disease and how much more work is needed to avoid it. Anonymously donate to a stricken patient with Pneumonia. Donate some money to a local clinic or hospital with patients suffering from this ailment. Encourage other people to do the same.
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Pneumonia may begin as a minor case of the flu, but it may swiftly progress to a life-threatening condition for which only a few effective treatments exist. By working together, international health organizations will begin to take this disease more seriously and stop ignoring it. Unfortunately, many people take therapy for Pneumonia in its early stages too lightly.
Determining the underlying cause of the ailment is just as important as the treatment itself. Antibiotic cocktail treatments and vaccines are available, but you can widely use them only if affordable for the general public. Our future is in the potential hands of our children and grandchildren. If not for ourselves, then for our children, we must make an effort to ensure that they grow up healthy and disease-free. Thanks to our work today, advances in treatment options for this condition will be made.
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Fun Fact
How Many children die due to Pneumonia?
Over 808,694 children died because of Pneumonia.