Ten of My Favourite Adriana Mather Quotes
Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Adriana Mather, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Adriana Mather you will find my ten favourites of Adriana Mather’s quotes.
Popular Quotes
“Almost everything worth believing in cannot be seen. Love, for instance.”
― Adriana Mather, How to Hang a Witch
“The air’s crisp with the smell of autumn, and the first few leaves have started to change color. The streets have that family-friendly feel. Store windows already have pumpkins and witches’ hats in them.”
― Adriana Mather, How to Hang a Witch
“Sometimes you do things because you believe in a person, and not because you believe in everything they do.”
― Adriana Mather, How to Hang a Witch
“People believe a lot of weird stuff in Salem.”
― Adriana Mather, How to Hang a Witch
“It’s not like they exactly agreed. They’re just kinda silent about the whole thing,” I say. “Group silence can be a death sentence. It was in Salem,” he says.”
― Adriana Mather, How to Hang a Witch
“If a man fears dogs, he may beat one with a stick when he sees it. As is the nature of all creatures, that dog will bite him. And then he may tell everyone that he was right about dogs, that they are evil. But I ask you, who is at fault in this scenario, the man or the dog?”
― Adriana Mather, How to Hang a Witch
“When change cometh, she will bring peace at her back. She will not bend to your will; you must bend to hers.”
― Adriana Mather, How to Hang a Witch
“My dad always says that you don’t get to choose what happens in the world, only how you react to it.”
― Adriana Mather, How to Hang a Witch
“But sometimes people need to be believed in more than they need to be told what is so.”
― Adriana Mather, How to Hang a Witch
“I followed the spiked iron fence around the church, ‘First Church in Salem, Founded in 1629’, the sign reads. The fence ends, and there’s a big wooden trellis covered in vines.”
― Adriana Mather, How to Hang a Witch
10 Famous Quotes by Author Adriana Mather
So there you have it my ten favourite quotes by Adriana Mather, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Adriana Mather. Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Adriana Mather.
One Final Bonus – Longer – Adriana Mather Quote
“Where once witchcraft accusations were the norm, bullying has taken its place. And just as during the Trials, it’s not always the usual suspects who get bullied; it can happen to anyone for any reason. But the only way it happens is if the community supports it. Group agreement and group silence are equally as deadly. The moment someone speaks up, it’s possible to stop that cycle. It’s not the easiest thing to do, but greatness is never without risk. And there is nothing greater in the whole world than kindness – kindness to someone being bullied, kindness to a stranger, kindness to an inured animal. Every act counts.”
― Adriana Mather, How to Hang a Witch