
Adriana Trigiani’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Adriana Trigiani Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Adriana Trigiani, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Adriana Trigiani you will find my ten favourites of Adriana Trigiani’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“That’s when you know for sure somebody loves you. They figure out what you need and they give it to you — without you asking.”
Adriana Trigiani, Very Valentine

“I even love the smell of books.”
Adriana Trigiani

“Mom, how do you know if the guy is the guy?”

You mean if he’ll be a good husband?” She pauses, then says “The ticket is for the man to love the woman more than she loves him.”

Shouldn’t it be equal?”

Mom cackles. “It can never be equal.”

But what if the woman loves the man more?”

A life of hell awaits her. As women, the deck is stacked against us because time is our enemy. We age, while men season. And trust me, there are plenty of women out there looking for a man, and they don’t mind staking a claim on somebody else’s husband, no matter how old, creaky, and deaf they are.”
Adriana Trigiani, Very Valentine

“I like it when my mother smiles. And I especially like it when I make her smile.”

Adriana Trigiani, Viola in Reel Life

“…I’ve made it my business to observe fathers and daughters. And I’ve seen some incredible, beautiful things. Like the little girl who’s not very cute – her teeth are funny, and her hair doesn’t grow right, and she’s got on thick glasses – but her father holds her hand and walks with her like she’s a tiny angel that no one can touch. He gives her the best gift a woman can get in this world: protection. And the little girl learns to trust the man in her life. And all the things that the world expects from women – to be beautiful, to soothe the troubled spirit, heal the sick, care for the dying, send the greeting card, bake the cake – allof those things become the way we pay the father back for protecting us…”
Adriana Trigiani, Big Stone Gap

“But what Mom never told me is that along the way, you find sisters, and they find you. Girls are cool that way.”

Adriana Trigiani, Viola in Reel Life

“We hang out, we help one another, we tell one another our worst fears and biggest secrets, and then just like real sisters, we listen and don’t judge.”
Adriana Trigiani, Viola in Reel Life

“When a girl is beautiful, she gets to pick – she never has to wait for someone to choose her.”

 ― Adriana Trigiani

“A good mother is irreplaceable.”
Adriana Trigiani, How to Hang a Witch

“The terrible things that happen to us in life never make any sense when we’re in the middle of them, floundering, no end in sight. There is no rope to hang on to, it seems. Mothers can soothe children during those times, through their reassurance. No one worries about you like your mother, and when she is gone, the world seems unsafe, things that happen unwieldy. You cannot turn to her anymore, and it changes your life forever. There is no one on earth who knew you from the day you were born; who knew why you cried, or when you’d had enough food; who knew exactly what to say when you were hurting; and who encouraged you to grow a good heart. When that layer goes, whatever is left of your childgood goes with her. Memories are very different and cannot soothe you the same way her touch did.”

Adriana Trigiani, Big Stone Gap

10 Famous Quotes by Author Adriana Trigiani

So there you have it my ten favourite quotes by Adriana Trigiani, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Adriana Trigiani.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Adriana Trigiani. 

One Final Bonus – Longer – Adriana Trigiani Quote 

“Whever I came into the room, she’d light up, so happy to see me. No one ever in the course of my entire life was ever as happy to see me as she was. Looking back, now, I realize that you only ever need one person who lights up that way when you enter a room. One person is all it takes to give a kid confidence.”

― Adriana Trigiani, Don’t Sing at the Table: Life Lessons from My Grandmothers

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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