
Alex Marwood’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Alex Marwood Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Alex Marwood, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Alex Marwood you will find my Ten favourites of Alex Marwood’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“Most people have to get to a point where they don’t have a choice before they’ll change something.”
― Alex Marwood

 “But let’s face it: society doesn’t really care who it blames, as long as it blames someone”
― Alex Marwood, The Wicked Girls

“His love is forged in tears.”
― Alex Marwood, The Killer Next Door

 “A night spent scraping off the evidence of other people’s fun is a wearisome thing.”
― Alex Marwood, The Wicked Girls

 “while you must strive to tell the truth, you must first ask yourself: is it kind and is it helpful?”
― Alex Marwood, The Darkest Secret

 “The hoard here is just as regimented, kept hidden from prying eyes by its obsessive use of containers. But I know from looking in that cupboard that inside those cardboard boxes is a wormhole to a world of chaos. That is what she was always like, I suppose, rigid control on the surface, and the howling void beneath. That’s why so many people cling so desperately to their semblances of discipline, their habits, schedules, routines, diets, personal trainers, personal grooming, theories of morality. It’s all about the fear of the chaos beneath. It’s certainly true of India, nothing in her life is real unless it’s been ticked off on a list. For us, the recognition of the void came so early that we were always going to go one of two ways, spend our lives fighting valiantly to hold back the tide the way she does, or, like me, accept the truth and let the chaos reign.”
― Alex Marwood, The Darkest Secret

“She’s had plenty of experience of job loss from the other side in her life, but had never noticed how calculated to cause offence a lot of human-resources-speak actually is.”
― Alex Marwood, The Wicked Girls

 “More people should understand what a gift it is, growing up thinking you’re a nobody.”
― Alex Marwood, The Darkest Secret

“I don’t want to get old, thinks Cher. There’s nothing in the world will make me live like that, smelling of piss and my tits round my knees and not even able to keep warm on a day like this.”
― Alex Marwood, The Killer Next Door

“that small rush of liquid lust once more. ‘I want a drink,’ says Chloe. ‘Take me home.’ ‘Why don’t you just go home?’ asks Darren nastily. ‘Go on. Shoo.’ Chloe looks stubborn. ‘Bloody hell,’ says Debbie. ‘I’ll give you ten p.’ ‘You haven’t got ten p,’ says Chloe doubtfully. ‘Yeah, but I do,’ says Darren”
― Alex Marwood, The Wicked Girls

10 Famous Quotes by Author Alex Marwood

So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Alex Marwood, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Alex Marwood.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Alex Marwood. 

One Final Bonus – Alex Marwood Quote 

“They’ve bought Jared a Wii and he doesn’t need his old laptop any more.”

― Alex Marwood, The Wicked Girls

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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