
Barbara Nickless’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Barbara Nickless Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles  we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Barbara Nickless, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Barbara Nickless you will find my ten favourites of Barbara Nickless’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“The videos that show the coffins coming back. People don’t want to know. And you and I? We’re part of what society can’t bear to remember. Because if they really think about it, if they really look at us and realize the cost we’ve paid to keep them safe? They can’t live with the guilt. They put up their ribbons and they give us fucking discounts at stores and they say, ‘Thank you for your service’ so they can go home and feel good about themselves. But if they really looked at what war does to us? Hell. They’d never let us come home.” “Stop”
― Barbara Nickless, Blood on the Tracks

“Do not call us heroes. Not if you are calling us that in order to absolve yourself of guilt over sending us off to an unwinnable war. Some of us are heroes. But some of us never had the chance. And some of us got slammed face-first into the fact that when we looked inside, we found nothing heroic at all. —Corporal”
― Barbara Nickless,  Blood on the Tracks 

“Normal is whatever we’ve gotten used to in our own private universe. It’s war or cancer or poverty. Hopelessness or pain or fear. It’s the cigarette burns on the coffee table and bone-deep exhaustion and the stink of booze and the black eye from—you tell everyone who asks—running into a door. Normal is the devil-ridden quiet of three a.m. when you’re eyeball-to-eyeball with God, and you know you won’t win because the deck is stacked. Best you can do is fold. —Sydney”
― Barbara Nickless, Blood on the Tracks

“I’ve spent too much of my life trying to leave the past behind. But the past is a leech. Digs its head into you and sucks your blood until it leaves you dry.”
― Barbara Nickless, Blood on the Tracks

“You get to the point where you’re just empty. Empty of feelings and thoughts. Of bone and flesh and blood. Empty of hope and despair. You aren’t dead. But you aren’t living, either.”
― Barbara Nickless, Dead Stop

“War is a drug; it’ll call you back until it kills you. —Corporal”

― Barbara Nickless,  Blood on the Tracks

“Every person’s life is a struggle against a world filled with resistance. That resistance may defeat us or warp us or crush us. But sometimes, we find a strength we didn’t know we had. And with that newly recognized strength, we move past the hard times. And we become a little stronger for the next round.”
― Barbara Nickless,  Dead Stop

“I’d been raised on excuses. But the Marine Corps taught me that excuses don’t matter. That excuses–even when prettied up as reasons–are just a way to avoid doing what needs doing.”
― Barbara Nickless, Dead Stop

“War is a drug; it’ll call you back until it kills you. —Corporal Sydney Rose”
― Barbara Nickless, Blood on the Tracks

“Guilt is a useless emotion. It cuts you off at the knees and offers”
― Barbara Nickless,  Dead Stop

10 Famous Quotes by Author Barbara Nickless

So there you have it my ten favourite quotes by Barbara Nickless, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Barbara Nickless.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Barbara Nickless. 

One Final Bonus – Longer – Barbara Nickless Quote 

“My body was so filled with pain that I could not separate the hurt within from that without. And I was tired. Tired in Cohen’s way, tired with the weight that makes your bones two inches shorter. I was tired of killing. Tired of death. Exhausted from scraping up against the kind of hatred that makes a man slap a little girl, slaughter a woman, shoot a dog. All I wanted was to lie in the snow and the dark and think about Clyde and Dougie and Cohen until I ran out of thoughts. Ran out of feelings. Until the wind abraded my skin to nothing and I was only disarticulated bones.”
― Barbara Nickless, Blood on the Tracks

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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