
C.J. Tudor’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite C.J. Tudor Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author C.J. Tudor, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with C.J. Tudor you will find my Ten favourites of C.J. Tudor’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“Being an adult is only an illusion. When it comes down to it I’m not sure any of us ever really grow up.”
― C.J. Tudor, The Chalk Man

 “We think we want answers. But what we really want are the right answers. Human nature. We ask questions that we hope will give us the truth we want to hear. The problem is, you can’t choose your truths. Truth has a habit of simply being the truth. The only real choice you have is whether to believe it or not.”
― C.J. Tudor, The Chalk Man

“We think we want answers. But what we really want are the right answers. Human nature. We ask questions that we hope will give us the truth we want to hear. The problem is, you can’t choose your truths. Truth has a habit of simply being the truth. The only real choice you have is whether to believe it or not.”
― C.J. Tudor, The Chalk Man

 “However, even as a kid, I could sense the anger – the venom – of those protesters. Something about their eyes, the spittle that exploded from their mouths, the way they brandished their banners like weapons. They were chanting a lot of stuff about love but they seemed full of hate.”
― C.J. Tudor, The Chalk Man

 “There are some things in life you can alter–your weight, your appearance, even your name–but there are others that wishing and trying and working hard can never make any difference to. Those things are the ones that shape us. Not the things we can change, but the ones we can’t.”
― C.J. tudor, The Chalk Man

 “For who are we if not the sum of our experiences, the things that we gather and collect in life? Once you strip those away, we become just a mass of flesh, bone, and blood vessels.”
― C.J. Tudor, The Chalk Man

“Real friends are there no matter what. Real friends are people you love and hate in equal measure but who are as much a part of you as yourself.”
― C.J. Tudor, The Chalk Man

 “He’s dead.’
Funny how people always repeat that word, even though they know they’ve heard it correctly. A kind of denial by delay.”
― C.J. Tudor, The Chalk Man

“You know what someone once told me? Secrets are like arseholes. We all have them. It’s just that some are dirtier than others.”
― C.J. Tudor, The Chalk Man

“What shapes us is not always our achievements but our omissions. Not lies; simply the truths we don’t tell.”
― C.J. Tudor, The Chalk Man

10 Famous Quotes by Author C.J. Tudor

So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by C.J. Tudor, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author C.J. Tudor.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for C.J. Tudor. 

One Final Bonus – C.J. Tudor Quote 

“The thing you have to understand is that being a good person isn’t about singing hymns, or praying to some mystical, god. It isn’t about wearing a cross or going to church every Sunday. Being a good person is about how you treat others. A good person doesn’t need a religion, because they are content within themselves that they are doing the right thing.”

― C.J. Tudor, The Chalk Man

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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