Ten of My Favourite Carmen DeSousa Quotes
Carmen DeSousa, a writer whom I am guessing you love? Here are our 10 best Carmen DeSousa quotes for you to enjoy. At Australia Unwrapped we believe every book has at least one quotable line, and our mission is to find them all. Here you will find Carmen DeSousa’s top 10 popular and famous quotes. Like every good writer Carmen DeSousa made a number of memorable quotes, here are some of our favourites:
Popular Quotes
“Ever think about contract killing?” Angela”
― Carmen DeSousa, Unlucky In Love
“A great book increases my heartbeat as if I’m prey, melts my insides in anticipation of a first kiss, immerses me in its depths.”
― Carmen DeSousa
“If the overuse of adjectives is frowned upon in writing, why are expletives—the ones commonly used as adjectives—embraced?”
― Carmen DeSousa
“Misunderstanding and distrust—the predominant elements of a novel. Without them, everyone lives happily from beginning.”
― Carmen DeSousa
“Reading is a lot like fine dining… Some readers prefer just the meat and potatoes; I enjoy a seven-course meal.”
― Carmen DeSousa
“Jana!” my husband’s shrill tone hit me just as I smashed in the second taillight. “Oh, my God! Are you insane?” I”
― Carmen DeSousa, Some Lucky Woman: Jana’s Story
“Like the roller coaster of life…novels aren’t fun without ups and downs and even an occasional loop.”
― Carmen DeSousa
“And they…LIVED! Life isn’t always ‘Happily Ever After’, rather, loving FOREVER, regardless.”
― Carmen DeSousa, She Belongs To Me
“Publishing a book is like being pregnant. By the end, you’re just ready to get that baby out!”
― Carmen DeSousa
“You’ll never get to the happily ever after if you don’t move past the current chapter…”
― Carmen DeSousa
10 Famous Quotes by Author Carmen DeSousa
Quotes for all, here you found our selection of 10 Carmen DeSousa quotes. Make sure you help by commenting your best Carmen DeSousa quote below and sharing our favourite authors so we can look them up, read some of their works and give you the best quotes we can find. We hope you enjoyed our top 10 quotes by Carmen DeSousa. However, feel free to comment below if you disagree or would like to include some other great and memorable Carmen DeSousa quotes in our list.
One Final Bonus – Carmen DeSousa Quote
“But before she’d start reading, she’d pass the book around to the students. Each child had to inhale the pages, thereby infusing the scent and memory as one into their subconscious.”
― Carmen DeSousa, The Library: Where Life Checks Out
Oh, wow! This is so great! Thank you for compiling some of my quotes into a list.
You have some great ones 🙂 glad you like them.