
Jan-Philipp Sendker’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Jan-Philipp Sendker Quotes 

Love reading? Then it’s likely you will love a good quote from your favourite author. This article covers Jan-Philipp Sendker’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes that we at Australia Unwrapped have collected from some of his greatest works. Jan-Philipp Sendker quotes to remember and here you will find 10 of the best. A memorable quote can stay with you and can be used along your journey. Choosing Jan-Philipp Sendker’s top 10 quotes is not easy, but here they are:

Popular Quotes

“How can anyone truthfully claim to love someone when they’re not prepared to share everything with that person, including their past?”
― Jan-Philipp Sendker, The Art of Hearing Heartbeats

 “I have often wondered what was the source of her beauty, her radiance. It’s not the size of one’s nose, the color of one’s skin, the shape of one’s lips or eyes that make one beautiful or ugly. So what is it? Can you, as a woman, tell me?
I shook my head.
I will tell you: It’s love. Love makes us beautiful. Do you know a single person who loves and is loved, who is loved unconditionally and who, at the same time, is ugly? There’s no need to ponder the question. There is no such person.”
― Jan-Philipp Sendker, The Art of Hearing Heartbeats

“We wish to be loved as we ourselves would love. Any other way makes as uncomfortable. We respond with doubt and suspicion. We misinterpret the signs. We do not understand the language. We accuse. We assert that the other person does not love us. But perhaps he merely loves us in some idiosyncratic way that we fail to recognize.”
― Jan-Philipp Sendker, The Art of Hearing Heartbeats

 “I am not without you,
that you are with me from the moment I wake until the moment I fall asleep,
that it’s you when the wind caresses me,
that it’s your voice I hear in the silence,
you whom I see when I close my eyes,
you who make me laugh and sing when I know no one else is around.”
― Jan-Philipp Sendker, The Art of Hearing Heartbeats

 “Only a few days earlier he had explained to her that he did not merely read books but traveled with them, that they took him to other countries and unfamiliar continents, and that with their help he was always getting to know new people, many of whom even became his friends.”
― Jan-Philipp Sendker, The Art of Hearing Heartbeats

 “And so there must be in life something like a catastrophic turning point, when the world as we know ceases to exist. A moment that transform us into a different person from one heartbeat to the next.”
― Jan-Philipp Sendker, The Art of Hearing Heartbeats

“The essence of a thing is invisible to the eye, U May said. Learn to perceive the essence of a thing. Eyes are more likely to hinder you in that regard. They distract us. We love to be dazzled.”
― Jan-Philipp Sendker, The Art of Hearing Heartbeats

 “Can words sprout wings? Can they glide like butterflies through the air? Can they captivate us, carry us off into another world? Can they open the last secret chambers of our souls?”
― Jan-Philipp Sendker, The Art of Hearing Heartbeats

“Life is a gift full of riddles in which suffering and happiness are inextricably intertwined. Any attempt to have one without the other was simply bound to fail.”
― Jan-Philipp Sendker, The Art of Hearing Heartbeats

“She hoped that Tin Win would learn what she had learned over the years: that there are wounds time does not heal, though it can reduce them to a manageable size.”
― Jan-Philipp Sendker, The Art of Hearing Heartbeats

10 Famous Quotes by Author Jan-Philipp Sendker

10 quotes by Jan-Philipp Sendker there you go! It’s never an easy task picking the best quotations from great writers, so please if you disagree or have more to add, please comment and share your opinions. My 10 greatest Jan-Philipp Sendker quotes will likely be different from yours; however, that’s the best thing about them, each quote can mean something different to each person. So don’t wait, comment and shares your best Jan-Philipp Sendker Quote. 

One Final Bonus – Jan-Philipp Sendker Quote 

“Of course I am not referring to those outburts of passions that drive us to do and say things we will later regret, that delude us into thinking we cannot life without a certain person, that set us quivering with anxiety at the mere possibility we might ever lose that person-a feeling that impoverishes rather than enriches us because we long to possess what we cannot, to hold on what we cannot.
No. I speak of a love that brings sight to the blind. Of a love stronger than fear. I speak of a love that breathes meaning into life, that defies the natural laws of deterioration, that causes us to flourish, that knows no bounds. I speak of the triumph of the human spirit over selfishness and death.”

― Jan-Philipp Sendker, The Art of Hearing Heartbeats

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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