
Top 5 Best Books like Delirium


In a different version of the United States, the government requires everyone who turns 18 to undergo a surgery known as the Cure since it has been classified as a deadly disease. Lena Haloway, who resides in Portland, Maine with her aunt, uncle, and cousins, is eagerly anticipating her recovery and the start of a secure, routine life. Her mother was destroyed by love, and she is not ready to make the same error.

Author: Lauren Oliver

Here are our personal top picks of other good romance books like Delirium that will surely get you hooked. Hope you’ll find a good fit to your taste!

(1) Perfected

The wealthy and powerful hurried to purchase gorgeous females like Ella as soon as the government issued legislation permitting humans to be genetically modified and sold as pets. These “family companions” arrive at their masters’ houses ready to live a life of idle luxury after being trained from birth to be graceful, demure, and above all, faultless.

Author:  Kate Jarvik Birch

(2) The Testing

Malencia Vale, 16, is celebrating her graduation today with the rest of the Five Lakes Colony (the former Great Lakes). Cia’s only concern, her only hope, is whether she will be picked for The Testing, a United Commonwealth initiative that seeks out the best and brightest recent graduates to serve as potential leaders of the post-war society that is slowly emerging.

Author: Joelle Charbonneau

(3) The Cure

Ashen Spencer is blindfolded and sent to the enormous, enigmatic structure known as the Arc on her seventeenth birthday to begin her year of testing and training in the hopes that she will obtain the Cure, a potent medication given only to those deemed deserving to survive until their eighteenth birthday.

Author:  K. A. Riley


(4) Divergent

You can change based on one decision. Five groups make up Beatrice Prior’s society: Candor (the upright), Abnegation (the charitable), Dauntless (the courageous), Amity (the tranquil), and Erudite (the learned). Beatrice must decide whether to shift factions or remain with her Abnegation family.

Author: Veronica Roth

(5) Recruitment

Weeks of practice are ahead. Hand-to-hand fighting, escape rooms, and psychological and military examinations. It is claimed that the Recruits hold the key to winning the conflict. But as time goes on, things start to make less sense.

Author:  K. A. Riley

Best Books to Read Like Delirium

That was fast! I hope the above books give you the excitement to grab the book of your choice. If you find Delirium interesting, the other four books will provide the same thrill!

Let us know how you feel. Write your comments below on books that you have enjoyed similar to Delirium

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