Heist Society ![]()
Katarina has been involved in the thieving tradition of her family for as long as she can remember. When Kat tries to abandon “the life” in favor of a regular existence, her old buddy Hale works to reintegrate her. Why? The only person with knowledge of the theft of a mobster’s art collection is Kat’s father. Kat’s dad needs her assistance as he is trapped between Interpol and a much deadlier foe.
Author: Ally Carter
Here are our personal top picks of other good romance books like Heist Society that will surely get you hooked. Hope you’ll find a good fit to your taste!
(1)The Princess Diaries![]()
Mia’s one and only dream is to attend the prom with Michael while wearing a tux and a corsage around her wrist. Michael, on the other hand, does not appear to share the prom as a dream. Even worse, the prom this year is in danger due to a service workers’ strike that has Grandmère and Lilly at its center and on opposing sides.
Author: Meg Cabot
(2)Model Spy![]()
She offers to assist her college RA, David, in obtaining some top-secret information because she is an expert with computers. After all, David has always been friendly to her despite the fact that she has no family and few acquaintances. It helps that he’s also so adorable and seductive. She only needs to hack into the main computer network of the government.
Author: Shannon Greenland
(3)The Conspiracy of Us![]()
When they want to shop in peace, Avery West’s new family can close down Prada, and they can just as easily order a bombing when they want to start a war. They consider Avery to be the solution to an old prophecy and are members of the Circle, a strong and perilous secret society. Some wish to manipulate her. Some desire her death.
Author: Maggie Hall
(4) Also Known As ![]()
There are good and negative aspects to being a 16-year-old safecracker and an active-duty daughter of foreign spies. Pros: Traveling the world while solving mysteries. having parents that had amazing jobs. Cons: I never spend enough time in one spot to make friends or find a boyfriend. The biggest benefit, though, for Maggie Silver has been staying away from high school and all of its cliques, poor meals, and painfully easy locker combinations.
Author: Robin Benway
(5) The Squad
The most hotly coveted cheerleaders make up Bayport High’s Varsity squad. However, this A-list is hazardous in a number of ways. The Squad is essentially a front for the most skilled team of young government agents the US has ever put together. They have the ideal cover because nobody expects much from a cheerleader other than herkeys and highlights.
Author: Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Best Books to Read Like Heist Society
That was fast! I hope the above books give you the excitement to grab the book of your choice. If you find Heist Society interesting, the other four books will provide the same thrill!
Let us know how you feel. Write your comments below on books that you have enjoyed similar to Heist Society
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