Everyone wants to reach old age in good health and with a high quality of life. Healthy habits, a balanced diet, and regular physical activity are all crucial in this regard. However, this is not always sufficient, and it may be required to provide vitamins to the elderly in order to maintain their health at this stage of life.
As a result, we’ve compiled a list of the most vital vitamins and minerals for the aged. What is the significance of each nutrient, where can you obtain it, and how should you consume it? Take a look!
How Important are Vitamins for Seniors?
Several causes have led to increased life expectancy in recent years. The ageing population is anticipated to treble by 2050, reaching 1.5 billion people globally, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
The ageing process produces various changes in the way the body functions. Immunity is lowered, metabolism is slowed, and alterations in the digestive system and food absorption are among the primary impacts. There is also a significant loss of lean mass, which is important for muscular power and contraction, and dental issues, such as tooth loss, may develop, limiting the ingestion of nutrient-dense meats, fruits, and vegetables. That is why it is important to provide specific vitamins to elders.
What are the Main Vitamins Recommended for Seniors?
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is well-known for its vital function in eyesight and corneal protection, since a lack may result in significant vision disorders. It also operates on bone formation and skin tissue maintenance, as well as strengthening the immune system and minimizing the danger of infections. Vitamin A-rich foods include liver, egg yolks, and fish oils. Carotenoids, a chemical that is turned into vitamin A in our bodies, may also be found in vegetables including carrots, spinach, mango, and papaya.
Vitamin C
You’ve probably heard that taking Vitamin C may help with the flu or a cold. This is due to the fact that this vitamin has a direct link to our health, functioning to improve our immune system and blood capillaries. Vitamin C is also an excellent antioxidant that aids in iron absorption, which helps to avoid anemia in the elderly. As a result, Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins for older citizens. Citrus fruits including oranges, acerola, cashews, and kiwi, as well as certain vegetables like broccoli and peppers, are the major sources.
Vitamin D
One of the most vital vitamins for seniors is this one. This is due to a natural decline in vitamin D absorption by the gut as we become older. However, this vitamin is necessary for our bodies since it aids calcium absorption and helps to build bones and teeth. The sun is its primary source. Vitamin D may also be found in foods such as milk and dairy products, eggs, and certain saltwater seafood.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects cells by combating free radicals, which are the primary cause of premature ageing. Antioxidant properties also aid in the prevention of vascular and degenerative disorders, as well as strengthening immunity and combating infections like the flu. As a result, this mineral is also one of the most important vitamins for the aged. Vitamin E is mostly present in almonds and vegetable oils like olive or sunflower oil.
Complex B vitamins
B vitamins, particularly B1, B6, B12, and B9 (folic acid), are essential for the aged. They are essential for the creation of neurotransmitters, the separation of nerve cells, the protection of tissues against oxidation, and memory. Furthermore, these nutrients support the immune system and aid in fat, protein, and glucose metabolism. Meat, eggs, milk, seeds, legumes, nuts, and whole grains are high in these nutrients.