
Why Is Comprehensive Pest Control Essential During COVID 19?

Comprehensive Pest Control and Covid-19

The sudden outbreak of COVID 19 has changed the way everything worked until today. It reiterated the importance of health, hygiene, and sanitation to minimise infection risks. Several things that were unimportant subjects for people in the past became a matter of concern now. It implies that life is not going to be the same hereafter.

One such area is pest infestation issues in households and businesses. Based on the type of pest species, they can do irreversible damage to health, wealth, and time. Though many people took pest infestation issues casually in the past, it can’t work in the future.

Let’s see how pest infestation makes you vulnerable to COVID 19.

The Allergic Factor

Do you know that pests such as cockroaches, rodents, silverfish, and dust mites trigger allergic symptoms? The droppings and body parts of these bugs contain proteins that can create allergic reactions in many people.

Even the bites of wasps and bees also contain toxic substances that can cause allergic reactions. The bites can lead to a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. If no timely medical attention provided, anaphylaxis can lead to the death of the patient. The anaphylaxis patients often struggle with shortness of breath.

Regardless of the reasons for allergic reactions, one of the immediately visible allergic symptoms is breathing issues. Continued exposure to these pest allergens can lead to asthma with regular asthma attacks.

The studies related to COVID 19 confirm that people who have asthma and other breathing issues have high risks of developing serious symptoms of COVID 19. The data released by CDC shows that COVID patients who had the history of asthma had been hospitalised in higher numbers regardless of their age. Additionally, their mortality rates are also high compared to healthy individuals.

Therefore, creating a healthy, allergy-free environment around you is prevalent to safeguard you from the pandemic disease.

Why Is Comprehensive Pest Control Essential During COVID 19?
Image by ali güler from Pixabay

Biodiversity For A Healthy Living

The World Health Organisation calls for integrated pest management to promote agrobiodiversity for a transition towards healthier, sustainable diets. This means that you have a role in creating healthy food sources around you with proper pest management. If you do farming or are part of the agricultural industry, your role is even more significant in creating a healthy environment and food sources.

Pests like fleas, flies, and mites can damage your plants and crops. Some pest species can multiply in large numbers and make serious threats to the biodiversity of your ecosystem. This can directly or indirectly impact the health of you and your environment.

Human activities and global trade have introduced several exotic pests in Australia. According to the leading providers for pest control Melbourne, some of these pests led to the disappearance of several indigenous plant and animal species. Today, these pest species pose major threats to the biodiversity of the country. Therefore, timely identification of pests in your environment and professional controlling help you to protect the food and biodiversity.

Healthy, Hygienic Food

Several pest species pose serious threats to the hygienic environments of residential and commercial properties. Especially the food and beverages industries are the biggest sufferers of pests such as rodents, cockroaches, and more as they spread various pathogens and transmit diseases.

When you cook at home, you should be careful about pests that transmit pathogens. Especially if your property is prone to pest attack, you need to store your food in sealed containers to avoid any food contamination. For instance, studies show that cockroaches can spread E. coli bacteria and cause serious food poisoning. Therefore, regular mopping and cleaning of your floors and walls are important to minimise the pest issues at your property.

While some pests do not make much issues to the healthy environment of your property, they can introduce other harmful pests. For instance, most birds are not pests, but they often carry fleas and bugs on their wings and make you easily susceptible to various pathogens spread by these pests.

Increased Pest Activities During COVID 19

According to the United States’ Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, the business shutdown across the country has resulted in the increased activities of pests like rodents. As the availability of regular food sources like commercial food waste and restaurant residues are diminished, rodents are searching for other food sources and often behave aggressively.

This is not just the case of the United States but a phenomenon reported around the world. According to The Age, the shutdown of cafes and restaurants in Melbourne deprived the rats and mice, and they are forced to suburbia. This underlines the importance of comprehensive pest control in and around your property.


Your health is the most important factor in your fight with COVID 19. If you see traces of pest infestation at your property, don’t take it casually. Complete a comprehensive pest control at your property and safeguard your and your family’s health.

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Main Feature Credits: Image by Rafael Urdaneta Rojas from Pixabay

Pinterest Image Credits: Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay

Why Is Comprehensive Pest Control Essential During COVID 19?

Main Image Source : Pixabay

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