Nine of My Favourite A.J. Butcher Quotes
Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 9 Famous Quotes by Author A.J. Butcher, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with A.J. Butcher you will find my Nine favourites of A.J. Butcher’s quotes.
Popular Quotes
“I hear Keene’s going to be turning up as Santa Claus later, and that’s got to be worth seeing.” Jake parodied the corporal’s voice: “So, little boy, give me your name, rank, number, and what present you want delivered by 0600 Christmas morning. And that’s Santa sir to you.”
― A.J. Butcher, Spy High Mission One: The Frankenstein Factory
“Good luck.”
“Luck?” said Eddie, as Deveraux vanished from the screen. “Who’s gonna need luck? When the bad guys see Eddie Nelligan bearing down on them, they’ll run a mile.”
“Sure, Eddie,” remarked Jennifer. “Why should they be different from everyone else?”
― A.J. Butcher, Spy High Mission One: The Frankenstein Factory
“Bond Team could forget about secret-agenting in the field for a while. To begin with, they could hardly find their way around the school, let alone a supervillain’s secret complex.”
― A.J. Butcher, Spy High Mission One: The Frankenstein Factory
“Lay off her Ben,” yelled Jake. Cally registered that he was defending her. “She’s doing her best!”
“Her best? That’ll look good on our tombstones. RIP Bond Team—Cally did her best!”
― A.J. Butcher, Spy High Mission One: The Frankenstein Factory
“So this is death,” observed Eddie. He felt his shoulder-blades, passed a hand above his head. “No wings. No halo, either. Guess we didn’t make the grade as angels.”
― A.J. Butcher , Spy High Mission One: The Frankenstein Factory
“And that was as far as Eddie had ever inquired into his heritage (he could see a trend developing that suggested he needn’t worry unduly about pension funds).”
― A.J. Butcher, Spy High Mission One: The Frankenstein Factory
“Eddie Nelligan.”
“Jennifer Chen. And these are my legs, since you seem so interested. Left and right.”
“Hi, it’s good to meet you, all three of you.”
― A.J. Butcher, Spy High Mission One: The Frankenstein Factory
“He was clearly about to launch into some kind of speech. Eddie thought he’d hear it better if he was standing alongside Jennifer.”
― A.J. Butcher, Spy High Mission One: The Frankenstein Factory
“There’s a funny smell around here, anyway. I think it’s mediocrity.”
― A.J. Butcher, Spy High Mission One: The Frankenstein Factory
9 Famous Quotes by Author A.J. Butcher
So there you have it my Nine favourite quotes by A.J. Butcher, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author A.J. Butcher. Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 9 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for A.J. Butcher.