
A.J. Pearce’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite A.J. Pearce Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author A.J. Pearce, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with A.J. Pearce you will find my ten favourites of A.J. Pearce’s quotes.

Popular Quotes

“Find out what you’re good at…and then get even better. That’s the key.”
Dear Mrs. Bird

“I tried to take a deep breath and be British and brave, but it didn’t work, and instead, the tears began. Masses of them. Where did tears like that come from and how did they get there so fast? Were they always there, just waiting for something awful to happen? What a horrible job they had.”
Dear Mrs. Bird

“My mother never gave in. One of Father’s friends had once said that if Mother had been in charge, the Great War would have been over by 1916. Father had replied that if my mother had been in charge, she would have made damn sure the bloody thing hadn’t started in the first place. Mother always said it wasn’t just about keeping going, but about standing up for what you believed in as well.”
Dear Mrs. Bird

“The sun had pulled its socks up and was making a good effort in the almost cloudless winter sky,”
Dear Mrs. Bird

 “as Mother always said, Granny didn’t spend half her life chaining herself to railings for today’s woman to moon around waiting for some chap to look after her.”
Dear Mrs. Bird

“Mother always said it wasn’t just about keeping going, but about standing up for what you believed in as well.”

Dear Mrs. Bird

“as Mother always said, Granny didn’t spend half her life chaining herself to railings for today’s woman to moon around waiting for some chap to look after her. Quite.”

Dear Mrs. Bird

 “Joan, Thelma, and Mary, like thousands of others, spent day and night after day and night carrying on with their jobs in the most frightening of conditions. Every day they helped save strangers they didn’t know and would never meet. But today it was their friend. Stiff upper lips and getting on with things were all very well, but sometimes there was nothing to do but admit that things were quite simply awful. War was foul and appalling and unfair.”
Dear Mrs. Bird

“Find out what you’re good at, Miss Lake, and then get even better. That’s the key.”

 Dear Mrs. Bird

“the room, an industrial Anglepoise lamp that looked as if it had been requisitioned”
Dear Mrs. Bird

10 Famous Quotes by Author A.J. Pearce

So there you have it my ten favourite quotes by A.J. Pearce, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author A.J. Pearce.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for A.J. Pearce. 

See Also: A.J. Hartley’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Dave P
Dave P
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