
Best Time-Tracking Tools for Nonprofit Organizations

Time-tracking tools can be a huge help for nonprofit organizations. Not only do they make it easier for nonprofits to generate timesheets, but they also can help with billing, expenses, and budgeting – and reduce the risk of errors being made.

In fact, the hardest thing about time tracking tools may actually be choosing which one to use out of the many options out there. And if you’re stuck trying to pick one – here are some of the best options that are likely to be a good choice:

1. WE Controlio

If you want a tool that can not only track time but also act as a nonprofit employee monitoring software, then WE Controlio is a good place to start. It has tons of monitoring features so you can track what apps are used, which websites employees visit, what files are sent, and any communications via email, instant messaging apps, and more.

In fact WE Controlio can also monitor employees more closely than that and capture screenshots and record keystrokes. It will generate various helpful reports so you can see exactly how employees spend their time and what they are doing during work hours.

To find out more about what it can do you can sign up for a live demo here.

2. Monitask

Many nonprofits choose to use Monitask due to its extensive time tracking, attendance, employee monitoring, scheduling, and invoicing features. It can track time spent on tasks as well as app and website usage, capture screenshots, generate timesheets, assign team members to projects, and more.

Part of the reason Monitask is so popular among nonprofits is also the fact that it has been known to provide discounts to charities and other nonprofit organizations.

3. Toggl

Another very widely used time tracking tool among nonprofits is Toggl. It is a simple tool that makes time tracking easy while at the same time is able to generate different types of actionable and insightful reports for billing, budgeting, project management, and payroll.

If you want a time tracking tool that is intuitive, and you can implement in your nonprofit right away without minimal hassle – Toggl is a good pick.

4. ClickTime

The fact that it is built specifically for nonprofits makes ClickTime a unique time tracking tool. Its will accurately track time and generate timesheets that are completely customizable. In fact, ClickTime will also let you set your own overtime rules, track expenses, and plan and manage employees.

Because it is designed for nonrprofits, ClickTime’s features are geared towards their needs. With it you can manage funding sources, and simplify time management, budgeting, and compliance for your nonprofit.

5. Hours Tracker

Despite being more basic than the other options on this list, Hours Tracker can be a very useful choice. It is a simple mobile app that clock in and clock out, or set it up to clock-in automatically based on your GPS location.

With its features you can organize your time tracking with jobs, tags, and filters. For nonprofits it will allow employees to conveniently track their time and then export it for use with your existing software.

Between these five time tracking tools odds are you should be able to find one that fits the needs and requirements of your nonprofit. Be sure to not only look at the features that are available, but also the user interface and how easy it will be to incorporate it into your nonprofit’s workflow.

If possible, try to take advantage of the free trials that some of these tools have available so that you can put them through their paces before making a final decision.



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