Diversity of Personality Explained
Why is it Important to Understand Personality Types?
There are many ways to define personality and it is difficult to state a precise meaning. It is, however, fully accepted that there is personality. Due to the many aspects of personalities and the nature of situations, a certain number of points of view must be taken into consideration to obtain a clear perspective. Nonetheless, most of us accept that we all have a personality.
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For simplicity, I believe that personality is the way a person does things like chat, remember, feel, love and work. Furthermore, I believe we have a unique personality just as we have unique fingerprints and that there are no two people EXACT in the way we think, feel or act.
Personality stability Is personality stable or consistent in all situations? If people are different, they should also respond to time and variable conditions in a similar way. This does of course not mean that each one of us behaves perfectly in line with all conditions, but a certain degree of consistency and consistent conduct must be maintained so that we can perceive the same actions and attitudes in different situations.
So, we can assume that a generally happy person will take a different emotional approach to most circumstances than the generally sorrowful person. So, we can always claim,’ Ben goes there, whatever challenge he faces, he seems able to keep a smile on his face.’
Nevertheless, bear in mind that the composition of violence, addiction, sexuality, and other personality determinants ensures that every person reacts to every situation measurably differently because of its composition.
There is a consistent impression in psychological literature that the specific nature of the situations in which people find themselves is a powerful determinant of behaviour. Therefore, the resulting behaviour can have more effect than the personality components used to shape the reactions of an individual. For me it is hard, though, to see how psychology of personality can be accomplished without any consistency or coherence in thought, feeling or behaving.
While the above claims that personality can be characterized by consistency and resilience are not too difficult to accept, it is a major step to make a nice claim as to which elements in a personality are consistent.
Personal factors such as aggression, love, dependence, satisfaction etc. undoubtedly play a role in the actions of the person. Nonetheless, that components of an individual make up his personality are treated very differently by alternative psychological paradigms of cause and endurance. There is no way to look at personality.
Individual personality variations are accounted for in many ways in many hypotheses.
The theory of the psychological thinking identity has evolved greatly over time and through the various schools, each school of thought that adds and/or subtracts theory in a 150-year process of evolution.
Theorists who have suggested a personality approach to their behaviours or characteristics have been compelled by those who adopt them to ratify or at least rectify their interpretations and assumptions with different and more important results (such as the viewpoint of the social learner theorist). Every new set of personality observations has extended the scope of understanding and forced a further focus on the meanings and nature of individual differences of the person.
Individuality stands for strengths and talents, attributes that God has deliberately designed and allocated. A person’s identity is the sum of those attributes that distinguish one person from another.
A person has a free will to express his individuality. Everyone is expected to determine their own beliefs, which contribute to consequential results. Through externally defined social behavior, you will decide whether individually to embrace (relationship) or to reject (isolation) within the freedom of your own will or desire.
Every independent human has an inalienable right to his presentation of his personal life. Nevertheless, this theory, where reason is involved, starts to consider a potential maturing interdependence in trade with other citizens. Social interactions can become an important source of the formation of personalities and provide an opportunity to change thought and reactions.
Individual rights are the only moral foundation of all classes. In concepts of dependency or autonomy, the smallest group, an individual who finds character can easily be articulated. Nevertheless, postulated freedom as believed to be valid can not lead to liberty but to separation, alienation and ultimate destruction.
When one’s identity is communicated to others, natural gifts and talents are externalized, whether verbal or nonverbal; perceived by others as personality. Personality is the individual attitude. The external character traits enunciate the essence, allowing relationships to be formed or destroyed.
There is nothing known about a person not seen in the expression experience. There is uniqueness, easy and immediate, finding reflected directions in the minds and acts of others, even from the chosen alienation.
It does not transform to comprehension from the point of view of others until the mind has given up the hope to transcend alienated alienation. A desire to know how others see me, a desire to conquer loneliness awaits me.
PERSONALITY Reflecting what others perceive me, selfhood is either understood as a Creative Spirit or a destructive spirit. In the context of each day, two spirits are always present. The book’s continued emphasis is the spirit of freedom via’ imposed’ external stimuli, or the dependent spirit of the Creator via the same’ imposed’ external stimuli.
Many people believe that their worlds are passive. Some believe that people participate actively in their community. However pre-existing personality characteristics triggered by external situational factors predict short-term reactive behaviours that support the fantasy image.
This is seen as the principle of pleasure that satisfies the needs. Carefulness for responsive’ instincts ‘ emerges from moral suffering underlying. Instinctual behaviour responds negatively to maturity of mind, emotion, and motivation. Instinctual actions can be described as dead-end behaviours that stimulate emotions and affect the health of the individual; a human phenomenon.
Still others agree that a non-reactive stance encourages silent, assured and considered participatory feedback, whether verbal or supportive. The ability to hear a person without instinctual emotional reactions is helpful to a maturing process of the Spirit. This reasonable behaviour alleviates the sense of alienation in another. A safe and trustworthy inner spirit has an impact on the trade.
The blinding focus on self-gratification could start turning oneself and others into a considered elevating context. The surreptitious self-gratification starts with an internal welcoming expression of personality; a maturing spirit that positively imprints the identities of others. This helps you to think about their personality’s secret negative qualities.
This cognitive understanding progresses towards healthy human maturation in a new positive way. Silence and trust, the power of New Life for both participants. The awareness of the person opened when mankind, Christ Jesus, was given the Door to return to the original ways of being individual.
Negative spirited attitudes re-establish fear of rejection over 3-4 years of puberty. Rejection, terrifying loneliness and alienation are the roots of bad and painful health.
Parental / social feedback, formed before rationality during childhood, is gradually giving way to rationality. Born with normal childhood dependency desires, puberty replaces with reasonable ability (cry elicits comfort). Dependence begins to replace independent (so-called), uncomforting, uniparental thinking, often called the isolating ‘ generation gap.’
The generation gap has a mother/dad who doesn’t want to change. Child’s focus is on moving into adulthood (self-parenting), but still undergoing childhood corrections. Without a baby, a parent can not be; the child can not be, without a mother. During the puberty period, mother / father and new adults both have mixed patterns of infants, parenthood and adulthood. Positional behaviour triggers emotional explosions that make affections and trust alienated; isolation.
A quest for aberrant based comfort is a priority in order to maintain autonomy. Nevertheless, science recognizes that society is not inherently autonomous, but dependent, pursuing healthier lifestyles from established needs.
Confronted with the prospect of a life partner, the sense of dependency awakens. This means giving up the opportunity to give and receive physical and emotional support. It also means giving up solitude, the social form of self-protection, more accurately known as “rejection.” Adulthood is bundled in the’ one of two’ of recognition.
Through recognition of God’s original participative vision, “it is not good to be alone,” the response of individuals based on instinct can be altered. The transition begins with the return to the imaginative vision that the first two individuals, who regarded their reactive, sensually instinctive actions as an educated and enlightened expression of individuality, rejected.
Rationality of illumination, independence of the will, acknowledges the constraints of expressive personality from autonomous isolation. Freedom allows individuality to flow into healthy and supportive expressiveness, encapsulated in each person. The purpose of God endows the new language, the new language.
We hope that they get some nice new business shirts and some great pep talks. Many organizations continue to promote strong individualism if collaboration is necessary.
There is more to build a team than to say that you are one. New shirts and axioms are cool, but people should think about it and behave as a team. In other words, the key to success is a daily part of corporate culture.
Educators, coaches and trainers have long recognized the importance of teamwork. The aim is to transform a heterogeneous working environment into a homogenous atmosphere in which everyone works together to achieve common goals. But are managers familiar with teamwork? Not needed. Not necessary. Not needed. Not necessarily. Many still build competitive conditions in the expectation that the best will emerge. Cooperation is about collaboration rather than rivalry.
This includes the establishment of a structured workplace in which participants must comply with certain laws. This means that these working patterns are modified, and new ones are produced. This can be challenging, but it is necessary to achieve the desired results. Basically, you teach people how to live and work together instead of apart.
In the United States there is a more natural tendency to teach individualism rather than teamwork; perhaps because we are a nation based on freedoms. For example, our structures in public schools have a minimum of hair codes and dress; any student can dress as he or she sees fit, many with very dubious tastes. This is permissible as it is recognized that the person must be allowed to speak freely. This may be all right, but it certainly does not promote an attitude of teamwork. In addition, pupils must engage in school uniforms and team activities, such as planning and cleaning of their daily lunch, in other nations such as Japan. In all of Japan, the value of early-stage teamwork is taught to students, which increases their socializing skills.
Teamwork, as described, includes creating a working environment for teamwork. It’s not just platitudinous remarks. A director has a lot more to do; a few suggestions:
1. Above everything: lead. Begin. Lead. All teams need a manager who can set targets and direct them. The team must respect and support its director. The team will probably not follow the leader without such trust, particularly in difficult times. The leader must also be attentive to democratic rule. Input, like assistants, is one thing, but only one leader can control the team.
2. Attire functioning procedures of all the institutes, including working time, the dress code, the appearance of the workplace, speech and activities etc. This uniformity emphasizes the rights of workers. As a further idea, using job titles or emphasis on work tasks. Job titles tend to highlight an employee’s status within an organization and are quite disruptive.
3. Set standards for work tasks so that everyone meets the same expectations and uses the same tools and methods for their work. It enhances communication, ensures interchangeability between employees and promotes the production of goods for quality work.
4. Ensure that everyone knows and understands the roles and responsibilities. Nobody wants to be the weakest link, and the manager must be able to communicate his importance and carefully manage his workload. Certainly, these individuals would yes be superior to others, but cooperation is a collective effort. If a poorer employee needs more education, send him or her or substitute him.
5. Test progress periodically. Check progress. Hold team and individual success information where applicable. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to publish these statistics. It is important that the manager knows the strengths and weaknesses of the team, but nobody else’s company.
6. Seek inconsistencies in working relationships. Most people will simply not get along and the manager will arbitrate these disputes. Sometimes people work out their discrepancies, hold them apart, or get rid of them. You want cohesion, not discord in your squad.
7. Take time to meet the team and talk as a group. This keeps us in touch with common tasks, issues and the team’s overall progress. It also helps the team to socialize and build camaraderie.8. Recognize individual performance but grant it on a team basis in comparison to one.
The role of management in the company’s daily operation can never be underestimated. This is because of its role in the daily management of a company. Management’s responsibilities include effectively leveraging the various competitive and distributive factors needed to preserve their existence: land, capital and labor.
It is also the business manager’s duty and responsibility to collect facts and figures from the company’s daily financial performance, so that decisions and informed choices on the future of the company can be made if it is to remain an issue for a longer time to come. Some of these differences may be major or negligible. However, these variations have been investigated from eight different perspectives.
These are disparities caused by certain underlying structural factors. SYSTEMATIC Variations Cause the occur when the variations are not substantial enough, if they have been accumulated or summarized over time, to be relevant individually to the enterprise. It is therefore common for administrators, auditors and accounting information users to report aggregated sums and directions of discrepancies. Of example, a customer who pays zero tolerance at the lowest difference can claim at 24.95% for an interest rate of 25%, whereas a customer who considers the smallest difference important in the long term understands that 0.5% will differ greatly when the accumulation occurs. The root cause is easier to identify if the variations are known to be systemic. If the root cause is known, the cure is just around the corner.
These are differences with dire consequences for the financial report. For the ears of accounting data users, we are considered too transparent. This is due to its importance to the entire document. These disparities are particularly important for management. They are very important because of the effect if their trigger is not correctly tamed. It is named content because of the impact of the entire financial report. In this respect, however, precautions are recommended for the effects of nips on the bud. If an accounting error affects the perception of the business’s results, the management needs to correct the error immediately. In most cases, the financial report must be reissued in a restated form.
Conditions sometimes occur when there can be differences without explanation. These inconsistencies impact management because of their long-term venomous consequences, if the origin of such a failure is not just conflicting. In this way, it is advised that the management decide whether the mistake is an isolated (one-off) occurrence or whether there are more undetected accounting discrepancies that can be included in the company’s financial reports. Nonetheless, this is seen as a noble practice if it can not explain the main or original discrepancy. In this situation management is advised to try and determine the maximum possible error using statistical techniques and strategies.
The issues of fraud in cases where they arise due to their highly negative characteristics are very important. Accounting fraud requires either false transparency or misappropriation of the assets and liabilities of the business entity. Nonetheless, management treats all accounting differences as very significant regardless of how small they can appear. With zero tolerance, management and the organization would significantly benefit from the extension. Fraudulent financial statements require deliberate manipulation or modification of a company’s financial documents to cause or hide certain crimes or defects. I.e. corporate property robbery and abuse. Financial statements Managers and consumers need to be more cautious with the discrepancies created by fraud since these inequalities can be a sign of major problems which could impact the life, community, credibility and integrity of the business. It can also lead to a violation of the incorporation laws and regulations. As a result, the operating license could be completely cancelled.
Discrepancies When discrepancies in the case of banking reconciliation are required. For example, transit deposits and unpaid checks may lead to contradictory figures on the accounts of an entity. A situation in which what exists in the company’s reports contrasts sharply with what is obtained from bank papers. Nevertheless, these are no differences in the intention to commit fraud. It is just a mis normal one which needs to be corrected immediately. Nevertheless, the management has a serious problem when there is a deposit with the bank some time ago and it was not shown in the bank’s accounts. It means that a deposit or mistake was overlooked by the bank. In this case, there is no full intention of cheating because the deposit may have been diverted (stolen) before the bank arrives.
The plan and actual numbers of Plan RELATED DIFFERENCES might also be a major difference for conventional managers to account for their account. These differences are particularly important to management when their effects are severe. A budget can be characterized as an organizational framework to be implemented over a period by an organization that represents the management plans and strategies. Budgets are usually regularly drawn up. Management should learn to take care when the actual estimated revenue and expenses differ. For example, if there is a temporary decline in sales that results in major variances, management should reduce costs as quickly as possible.
Computing accounting processes might lead to a conflict between accounting modules and the general ledger. This may be due to misplacement. For example, in the account payable and receivable chapter, the total amount may be displayed differently from that in the general ledger. Such variations are often due to journal entries from the general ledger and not expressed in the module or because technical hits stop posting in the general ledger. These are considerations that in accounting practice can not be omitted. However, a corrective action plan for such an error may need to make significant changes to the general leader and to documents often applicable to managers who may have to be helped by computer experts in resolving this issue and in establishing an alternative method to prevent such problems from arising in the future. If this difference is not managed properly in time, the effects could be very serious in nature.
The forms of differences are prevalent in manufacturing companies. Inventories can create differences if they are not managed correctly by a shopkeeper. Nonetheless, management is advised to perform daily stock statements or inventories and to equate them with accounting system figures. To order to nip questions in the bud, any significant difference between physical counts and book numbers should be closely investigated by the management. Theft may be of concern if there are fewer products in the shop than in the accounting system. This can be attributed to damaged items or other injuries as well. To order to monitor risky patterns, the reason for variances to others must be correctly identified. If the count contains more items than the accounting system, then the items are not properly recorded as they should or if returns are not properly documented in the process.
Any inconsistencies should be regarded as very significant regardless of the size or impact of the financial statement. Nevertheless, leadership efforts are encouraged to counter this horrific trend in the bud in order to avoid catastrophe for the organization. To prevent irregularities, a proper and preventive action plan must be put in place. Management should also try to ensure that the procedures for everyone involved in business performance are not too complex or easy to understand, because it has become clear over time that a lack of understanding of how a system or procedure works has led to employees doing what was not to be done and could have serious implications.
Attributes of Highly Successful Individuals
To live your life to the greatest degree possible is the key to success; this comes from a great deal of hard work, because the human body is guided in a direction by total passion and dedication.
The aim should not be to spend money, as it may lead to a loss of your own expertise and potentially a loss of your own. Each success is directly proportional to your goals and achievements. My philosophy of success is: “Taking a focus and working hard in the right direction will always be rewarding.” Some people get there easily, and some spend their entire lives looking for it at the right door at right time, but determination and commitment to your aims always allows you to make progress. Capital shouldn’t be the top priority, but that doesn’t mean that capital isn’t important, money helps to make a difference. If your pockets are empty, your goal can vary.
I have suggested other things, according to my experiences and experience, that you’re not going to be a millionaire, but that one thing is obvious would help you stand out.
It sounds difficult, but this statement gives a very important lesson. The achievement doesn’t involve finding avenues and openings to earn more money, but only through the ability to make money after you. You must be concentrated, and sometimes you dream of making money moves you away from your path, so you can only raise money and not create long-term impacts.
“It’s all too often people who waste their money, buy things that they don’t want, impress people that they don’t like.” Looking back, we have numerous successful examples that have served for others, or I would say that they are meant to provide their products or services to people. Your service should be focused on quality analysis and not just sales. Other successes improve their popularity and motivate others to achieve their dreams benefiting from supreme fame, inspiration and satisfaction.
Helping people in your connected networking and business environment, including suppliers, customers, employees, partners and businesses, is essential and will lead to your growth.
Many companies rely on various business models; the best models are those for the masses that help you sell your product and convey your message to the public. Seek to turn the customers into champions of goods rather than just selling or frustrating. A million dollars will surely bring trillions into your account, compounding your wealth with infinity.
Invest your resources and add more people, some look for money, some look for advantages and some want to add more to its core skills.
Most of them fail because they are dressed in overalls and look like jobs,’-The opportunities Thomas Edison usually comes in a veiled box. It’s a common error that people consider this opportunity to make money, which isn’t necessarily helpful because once you start estimating cash, you’ll cut your effort until your transaction is over.
Then some people work with advantages that can benefit you by advantages at work, status quo and respect. Everybody makes a common mistake and relies on something that changes over time. Some people restrict their vision to the extent to which they benefit from service or sell items.
Successful people are smart entrepreneurs who invest in all; they can make all kinds of capital your human resources, your business resources, your service and your working needs. It is not smart that places money at the top of the list, but smart that focuses on how you obtain cash and how you can get the results that you need. You want to save more money and add more to the product and service portfolio.
Donald Trump the most successful companies take the Product Life cycle into account and concentrate on the needs of their customers who have yet to appear.
For excel, you must assess yourself frequently and track your strengths and weaknesses to know what you do, because your core skills contradict most people. Positive self-criticism is the best way to keep up with achievement. For example, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates all have very sophisticated core capabilities.
I didn’t fail. I haven’t failed. Thomas Edison understood his core skills and worked his way to revolutionary news through endless hard work and struggle. I have found 10,000 ways that won’t work. You have something that you can do otherwise, and it helps you through all the difficult phases. Visionaries often try perfection and leave all the other material things behind.
“We are what we do again and again. Performance is therefore not an act, but a habit.” 6. Choose a pool and evaluate your path, you can learn how to use your skills to through your results. Education distinguishes them from others, gives people a feeling of achievement, and the world sees it as positive. It will make you realize the behavior of people, their attitude to success and will thus inspire and direct you.
This could be applied to active people and organizations. Those applicable to your company or expertise must be selected for benchmarking. For example, Picasso and Vincent will be helpful to you if you are an artist, and Wal-Mart will also be a big choice for companies involved in supermarkets.
Track progress the assessment of your performance allows you to measure your distance from the actual target. Every week or month, improvement keeps you inspired and excited for your goal. The process is simple; you must create a vision and then enter a number of realistic objectives and carefully set deadlines, follow them carefully and assess your progress.
Schedules Create a routine for yourself and observe it diligently to ensure your success. As soon as you begin to calculate, you will be motivated to do so and create a routine that will be the habit of this sense of accomplishment. Plan your task, prioritize your tasks, specify time to successfully perform your personal / mental health and list daily activities.
If you do something larger, it is always best to break the project into small daily tasks. The aim is to stay vigilant in achieving your goal. We have a good example in nature: when you seed a plant and keep it irrigated regularly, it will grow and become stronger, and once a week the plant will grow slowly and may die.
Community Within the Individual
What is family?
We build the first relationships with our own kin. Our origins are friends, our culture. In our homes we were raised and loved and looked after. Nonetheless, there are those who are abused, embarrassed and neglected by their family. Most of us will die among our families. And we are starting so ending family life.
Family is known as the foundation of a good and evil man. We suggest, like you, “They must come from a good (or poor) community.” Family is a holy institution that promises roots, lines of blood and future generations. Your heritage binds you biologically and mentally with your parents. We are all connected.
Family life means “no place to return.” Family life is where “work” is. If we have no mate, we’re going to build one. This family sense or feeling is important. How do you feel closer to someone outside your family than your family? We may have a physical family, but they don’t really look like families. The word family does not really mean a physical family–but the feeling of acceptance, which is what everyone wants. We all want a friend. All want to be their actual friends, but seldom. Community is where the “play” takes place. Home is where you can be free.

If the inner house, the inner self, the temple is free, and the outside house and the temple. Everything outside is a representation of your inner being. A healthy family begins with you. You can’t change anything or anyone, other than you. You can’t change your friendship unless you switch. You can’t change the future unless you change your mind. You start with shift. The transition starts with you. Transition begins. You are the catalyst and this change is the consequence. Your change will affect your relationship with your children. Adjust and the dynamics of your family will adjust.
The organization of the first man starts with the family. The tribe, the heritage of the wider family of today, comes from the church. The town, village and city were established from the community by a professional community organization. The government originates from the area. The nation is the government. The civilized world is the nation. Man works with all these various organizations and institutions and anywhere there is no society or organization.
Human families are made up of individuals. Everyone must follow his wn route, pave his own path. It only takes more time for them to follow the right direction when you try to stop others going the wrong way. Everyone must think for himself. You must learn for yourself.
If everybody works and lives together peacefully— and how often? There will be found the true essence of the family. We just hope it’s in our own house.
We therefore recognize that families consist of people, all of whom are different in their composition. Each partner likely has the same issues, but are treated differently and sometimes at different times, causing mass confusion. Every child is different, too. They are designed to smooth the rocks so that we can use them as weapons of war. David used five smooth blocks.
Even a working family sometimes struggles to make it normal and normal. Look at David and Goliath? He used his weapons against the country’s largest giant, five smooth rocks. If you want to improve, the rough corners should be smooth— if the great enemy (which is your own inner self) is to be defeated. Stones are described as our own personal character. You should learn to smooth your own personality and stop worrying about everyone else’s rough edges. Avoid blaming them for their problems. They allow you to put your issues on the ground so that you can see yourself.
What is a community? What is a community? What is community? What is community?
You need to know who you are— not what strangers call you. Once you understand who you are and why you belong to, you will know what community you belong to. Don’t get caught up in the wrong family or group!
A community of people with a common bond, purpose and value system is a family. For other factors, a group is prepared to work together and thereby accept each other as individuals.
Every family is a community and every community is a family. They are a network that supports each other. What organizations are you related to? You mustn’t take it lightly. All you are related to reflects you.
Some people can laugh at all the groups around you or at your family, at the office, at school, even at your home, but do they let you live there, do they allow you to learn from your mistakes, so that you can change them in the next day or are they going to at least throw you out?
Why Are The Communities Here?
COMMUNITIES consist of people like me and you! But some people might not be aware of it! “People die for lack of knowledge,” but they have the right knowledge and can CANGE–they can grow and prosper and be cheerful. People are changing because they want to improve and because things don’t change, you can’t.
All of us have certain bodies and are referred to as structures, just as every collective has certain bodies and systems. Don’t buck the system! Don’t buck the system! Don’t buck the system! Don’t buck the system! Know the software wherever you are for that place. Everything will be simpler if you use the software and take the time. If you don’t like your system–don’t oppose, “What you are fighting will become clear.” The dilemma is just growing bigger–choose a position with your own rules and start your own. Know how to “go with the flow” and push on.
Growing corporation has a specific system or way of doing things. Each organ should work together— it has to work together, or it will have a system failure, like any computer.
Without collaboration, people fall apart. No harmony, no unity, no order. There is no harmony. Without teamwork, man falls apart— his triple life of body, mind and spirit collapses. All three sections should work in harmony to ensure that the entire structure works properly. If you are a worker and you go around, it can only lead to chaos and turmoil, with a lot of frustration and indignation in a downward movement, from top to bottom.
A person can feel that he is a part of the community he lives in, the friends, the church, the neighborhood, the 12-step rehabilitation program and many other organizations.
Sometimes an individual may not be related by others. Most young people have no relation. This is not simply because of poor parents, two parents have many children, and some think like they belong to the family, and some don’t. Your child can react to another adult or only react much later if the relation that you are looking for is finally found. This is sometimes why teenagers come to clubs or gangs to interact and feel like they’re part of other teens. That is why sports are promoted during the young years. Yet not all of them are sporty, so they talk about something else like a band or a drama. Some young people were told, “How could you expect us to leave the streets if we don’t have anything to do?” Even if there is a group, there can be no community without people’s participation. The more the individual participates, the greater the individual’s internal peace and harmony. That’s why some mega churches struggle because no help is available. But most people don’t understand that one person needs support, not another.
Individual Initiative
1. The first step in practical and effective solutions to the environmental problem is to realize that the whole world must be treated as an organic body, an organic unity. Just as we see the body of the human being as organic unity in which each cell relates to one another’s cell, we are now more seeing the interconnection, primarily by its negative manifestations.
2. This is a condition that must be acknowledged, and we must understand that we have personal resources and responsibilities. The effort must be understood by the citizen and this will lead to changes also in the outside world. It can also run in parallel with international co-ordination, because it isn’t really autonomous. Now, when I use the words “man,” “source,” and “peripheral,” two things may seem inside and outside. The root simply needs a certain treatment and the leaves require a different type of treatment. The leaves suggest what the roots do. Many changes can also be done in the structural and organizational environments of the outside world, and these steps should also be taken into consideration.
“Sociology” thus proposes this organic unity and addresses this condition in which the roots and leaves of that same tree are to be discussed. Esso is our physical, fundamental and inner basis. The problem is what steps the individual should take and what measures at the global organizational level must be taken? Both must be addressed at the same time. Let’s dig at some organizational aspects for the first time.
3. To start, recognizing that the entire world is a legacy of all human beings and their wealth of water, air and other facets of nature, under UN administration. Water, air and other essential resources for life on this planet. This international solidarity, once recognized and acknowledged as the pillar, allows us to take measures which can lead to a healthy balance.
As a result, both countries will allow the UN to become an agency in cooperation with national governments to coordinate and supervise the use of natural resources, thus addressing the problems effectively.
It could recommend a tax structure that would cover all foreign expenses associated with these initiatives. For air and water use and their direct or indirect pollution, industrial complexes must charge a certain level of tax. Such funds can be dispersed globally to help control such assets.
4. Part of the military personnel to be further trained to work as the environmental and sustainability coordinator with the United Nations.
The important aspect is that as more and more countries recognize that such an enormous military power is not needed, there is a lot of fear that the necessary changes will take place. One of the biggest fears is that the soldiers will be unemployed but inspired and trained people can be overcome by getting them into global treatment’s stable and creative problems.
In maintaining a healthy ecological balance, everyone within the military and other security forces can play a valuable part. Organized by the United Nations and by meetings between nations, many of these soldiers and officers bring their expertise and discipline to promote and support and care activities worldwide. They can work for peace by using their knowledge and military knowledge to create a healthy environment around the world in which humanity can survive the challenge of these catastrophic situations. It would also be an opportunity for an interaction where people from all over the world would meet, connect and teach each other more directly.
5. Another important move can be taken by supporting the national authorities, in collaboration with the United Nations, to provide alternative perspectives for producers of weapons and other military goods and certain other businesses involved in the production of polluting materials and threats. Unemployed people can also, in such situations, be included in regional and global environmental and social initiatives.
A caring and imaginative approach is one of the most important and fundamental criteria.
One important factor is that industrial nations that have implemented most of the major changes leading to environmental imbalances should take the initiative and take decisive action to remedy the situation and to restore the balance. We can do that, on the one hand, with all the technical expertise, professional resources and the necessary wealth; on the other, there is a big responsibility because they see the situation and have a better understanding of the consequences than anyone else.
Industry needs help and support to find new ways of operating in its context. Only a caring commitment and a genuine approach can resolve this delicate and patient question. Therefore, it is necessary for all concerned to begin by considering new ideas and then implementing them in their own fields, regardless of their level of operation. Such tasks can only be carried out if they are carried out with great care, intelligence and compassion. If the concept, principle, is not handled naturally, it might become inhuman, violent and unable to create real understanding and therefore lose its meaning.
6. Overpopulation, inequality and their relations Another important factor and problem is population growth. Population growth. Overcrowding and poverty are closely intertwined. How they are directly or indirectly connected to environmental destruction and ecological imbalances is important to see.
Cultural and traditional values, and poverty and ignorance play a major role in most parts of the world, where there is massive population growth. Without the necessary understanding of childbirth control or control methods, being interlinked with traditional and religious concepts and guilt feelings, many of these people have no other means than having a life of pleasure in sex under the pressure of many unnatural and inhuman situations. With every new birth, the issues worsen in this state of poverty.
Here is another important factor: the approach of religious leaders to population growth and birth control. It is a very sensitive area where religions need to rethink their responsibilities.
As people find ways to make little money by doing something or something else in these situations of extreme poverty, they often do so without thinking whether this is a reasonable step towards the ecological balance and needs, whether it can have a long-term impact. When societies explode rapidly and starvation and misery is under threat, people have little respect for nature. You can burn the forest if you think you can plant your crops and fill your bellies by burning the woods. If people are unable to provide viable alternatives in a fragile environment, it is difficult to blame them for destroying rainforests or for increasing drug-producing goods.
Religious leaders must meet and do that very carefully, look at the real situation courageously to see what is secure, what is truly wise, what is necessary now and what is truly at the service of life! What many religions are doing now–possibly from a misunderstanding–is that they tend to burden people with fear and guilt.
Rather than developing a life-sensitivity, many religious leaders try to control citizens through rules, legislation, and political influence. Even though this was not intended, the result is often broken and unhappy. It is important that people be free of guilt and fear of retribution, that they and others forgive mistakes so that they can live freely and joyfully.
There is still controversy on abortion, for instance, in many nations. This is a very critical and delicate matter. When religions and as religions translate this into a matter of law, law and punishment, they convert it into a topic which is seen only superficially. Religious individuals must take the interest in introducing a new consciousness so that people will act differently, not because they fear punishment or are guilty or because they are forced to keep clever claims in their minds.
These areas must be addressed very carefully and appropriately. For example, in certain cases, where parents can not feed and care for a child or are unable to raise a child for other purposes, it may be necessary that a woman no longer has children. Until an unwanted child is born and subjected to unbearable living conditions, one should be careful to remember.
When poverty and misery increase, when optimism does not improve and life itself is threatened, more and more people are drawn to the rich countries. And, for the rich nations too, the issues of poverty and population growth are becoming problems. The people of those rich nations then have the choice either to shut their doors and stay hard and indifferent about the suffering and misery of man or to cope with this situation in the humane, loving and intelligent way. If the sensitive and harsh way these well-to – do persons react, it eventually leads to emotional hardness and personal insensitivity, which affect themselves and other persons around them in many unforeseen ways.
There are enough opportunities to meet the basic needs of everybody on earth. The question is how we are ready to use these devices, how we distribute them and how we plan to minimize the damage to the environment. It is a matter of giving our hearts a say in these matters.
In close contact with all countries, the United Nations should contribute to the minimum subsistence in every area of the world, in accordance with the shared values of the country concerned, in relation to basic requirements for healthy human life and comfort.
7. After these training experiences, the Ambassadors of Life and Friendship (ALFs) will respectfully develop their knowledge and personal capacity for the good of the community by helping people in need to solve the devastating situation on our planet.
These Life and friendship ambassadors (LFA) will help to enforce the United Nations ‘ decisions in a careful and creative way, because know-how and trained personnel in many countries are not available.
In so-called’ Third World ‘ countries where knowledge and understanding is missing in some very important fields of administration and technical issues-the type of information that is considered to be reliable in industrialized countries-the ALFs may serve as peace-keepers and assistants and remain there for six, or nine months, if necessary. We can also spend longer time in countries with heavily contaminated nature and an urgent need for environmental sustainability.
It encourages military staff to find new ways of using their money, and their experience and skills can be used to ensure peaceful coexistence and humanity’s survival. Therefore, they can become a very creative force and a real hope for humanity in the service of peace with all these tools, by solving these problems and developing their capabilities.
8. The individual person’s meaning and responsibility the essential aspect of the person is now discussed.
All above steps and areas, where further steps are necessary, can only be achieved if more and more initiatives are taken from those who understand these things and address them sensitively. We have no skills and no resources to do that. More than enough knowledge and ideas can be found. All these can only work when we interact with our own identity, our own individual situation, and when we see our unconscious interplay in many areas of our lives, we do not have the potential to live.
In some cases, therefore, an individual ecological and survival effort also has to do with consciousness. It is a sign of maturity when one starts to realize that the importance of knowledge and wisdom is not the quantity of wealth, power and reputation that are most important in a fulfilling life.
The politicians are largely bound by the electorate. If they feel that most people are heading in one direction, they avoid taking a risk that runs counter to popular opinion. The view among most of the people is therefore the variable on which politicians depend. If we don’t want leaders to behave meaningfully, we need to ensure that there is a new awareness on the individual level.
In other aspects, the individual’s initiative can also be considered a very important aspect. Many of our interconnections in life lead to some of our living habits. We must only watch someone who is addicted to something, such as somebody who is caught in the habit of smoking, drinking or eating too much…. We also hold to certain life behaviors, mental patterns and regular ways of attaining relaxation and happiness to the point that we fail to take our actual needs into account and are eventually unrealized and relaxed. We get so trapped in many of our patterns very often that it feels very difficult to come out of them.
It is important to recognize that the organism exists as much as every cell has a sense of being part of the organic unity of the body. Then every operation of the cell correlates to the whole body. But if the cell gets out of contact with its surroundings and continues to function alone without looking at the whole body’s reality, it becomes a cell of cancer. A cancer cell destroys the entire balance of the body and is thus damaged in the long term.
The patient must see that it exists as part of the natural cycle— but it can only be a lasting understanding if one’s own persistence holds the memory alive. This is one of the main points of the interpretation of sociology. In this way, it is not just a piece of software, a consciousness that goes through our blood, our faces, our minds, our own wishes. Only this effort provides our roots with fuel, and that is what keeps us alive.
9. It’s good to see that whenever someone starts to take the initiative, people become more active, vibrant, open to life and actively engage in life. Even if no one else seems to be leading, the ones who tend to benefit from making their way through life easier and feel healthier and happier.
Next, you should take a little time to relax and observe your inner state before the day starts. Not to worry of yourself, but to be one with nature, like a cell, is one with the entire body! It’s a little move, maybe a few minutes and at the start it might seem a bit hard, because we are more familiar with engaging with some type of event and stay externally oriented, without shifting our attention internally.
It can be a little hard for many to begin, and so we must take the time and effort to feel deep. We start by feeling our body, feeling our connection to nature, feeling our breath. As we breathe in, we draw the oxygen from the flower of the forest. We feel that life nourishes us with the energy we need and feel part of the nature cycle.
The air that we breathe is absorbed by the leaves and again provides fresh oxygen. From the point of view of the human being, the plants and their leaves act as an extension of the body itself, for humans can not live on this planet without it. Therefore, we feel with our bodies and our energy and remain in simple contact with what is without effort now. Those who find it difficult to sit and get in touch should take some active action. The operation Vital Life-Flow is an interesting possibility. It promotes physical wellbeing and harmony inside and is a simple way to get in contact with our nature and a key factor in our understanding of reality.
Each intake comes with fresh air and clean energy. Breathing is like a new life, a new birth cycle for the body. We sense this freshness; this inhaled new birth. We have a letting go, which naturally happens when we breathe out. It is not something we have to do, but with every breath it is an inevitable phenomenon. When we breathe out, in this letting go, we still feel a little pain. Each breath cycle has a small birth and a small death. We will begin to realize, as we begin to see life and remain aware of that cycle, that what we call life is like a river that runs between the two shores of death and birth.
Birth and death are two polarities and the cycle of life is created. One or the other of these polarities can not be overcome; both have an important role to play. We consider and experience with our breathing this element of life and feel with our breathing the aspect of death.
We raise our arms and keep our eyes closed while we stand or sit. The raising of arms is also a message from our own hand that we are open to the indefinable reality of life and sensitive to it. With the air, we bend in and make an aware, profound letting in. We let our forehead touch the ground and remain until the inhalation happens naturally. We are rising, opening our eyes and continuing this breathing process as we breathe in. If you can not or don’t want to move your body, you can simply continue with your respiratory cycle— remember to experience birth and death and open and close your eyes. It’s a useful and helpful tool.
The important factor is that, through this process, we enter the natural cycle and eventually the nature itself and allow nature to bring balance. It is normally good to play the active role for about half an hour and then sit again for another half an hour. You can only do the active part for a quarter of an hour and stay calm for a quarter of an hour. In the second calm time, the eyes are kept closed. It is good to enjoy these moments after these quiet times with some music and dance. There’s a yes to meet, to sing, to dance, to smile! To work, this is a wonderful start of the day.
A walk-in nature is another choice. You can walk and feel like you are with nature without anything else. We can be in the trees, the woods and the fields and feel like we are in the sun, in the light and indulge in the process of living around us.
For relaxation, to feel and to interact with the moment, you can take different other steps, such as dance, swimming, jogging or other sports. You can therefore meet an intense sensation of heat, a feeling of the body and a sense of the whole organism and then be still, observe and be what we are in the moment.
We don’t have to persuade ourselves to be a believer or a scientist, because it is only a fact and all we must do is to feel, to consider and to know what is really. You start to feel this connection until you relax completely. It’s not something deliberately finished. We only need to take steps to get away from mechanical lives and get “now” Initially, it’s great to choose a workout and play with it for seven weeks. You can then combine it with your own experience in the life cycle.
A fascinating practice is also called’ psychological and emotional busting’ (PEBB). Just one thing we should note here: when we are emotionally hurt, depressed, upset or trapped in some negative feelings psychologically, we should handle it differently than normal. We can look deeper at the origin of these feelings in us and see which situation or picture we deliberately abandon, which ideal or which we want. We only need a little time to stay in touch with these areas and then be ready internally for this cleanup process.
We must learn from our religious and cultural contexts whatever is helpful and relevant for our current situation, and we may carry into our lives all the possibilities that lead to our knowledge and love.
The original meaning of the various religions can be said to help people find their place and their connection with the whole of reality. Dogmatism, fanatism and destructiveness originated in theological misunderstandings.
Once a friend asked me how he could make him aware of the environment. I responded:’ Stay and wake up to the truth which is concealed behind ideas and images in the concept of’ I.’ If you’re saying’ I’ do you mean the body, or the brain with its whole conditioning, or your inner strength? Where is the source of the’ I’?!!!’
10. The Critical Survival Step: A leap from one to many dimensions.
True help for the community can not simply be limited to laws or services but is a life of care and effort that is enjoyable and fun.
It is extremely important for all to try to get back to themselves. A personal decision to work with an internal discipline can be a significant factor in the development, development and growth of experience in life.
It’s even more important for the world, although it may not be obvious at first when people must use their energy and strength to prevent them from becoming embroiled in anger, retributions or negative feelings, thoughts and actions that damage your emotional life and emotional atmosphere.
Consciousness helps us to be versatile and rational with respect to the needs of the situation without denying or covering up the negative. Everyone should then take the initiative themselves and use all available support.
It is even more important when we learn to separate ourselves and look at reality without throwing it in any class at once. It allows us to gain new insights and perceptions and a deeper connection with life.
If several people work together to achieve this goal, it can be very optimistic and beneficial. This enables you to create a sort of center with friends, acquaintances and anyone interested in providing helpful support for individual initiatives. We also deal with this possibility in Freiburg.
Such person initiative centers can emerge all over and provide an exciting opportunity for many people to achieve a new quality in their lives.
When we face these challenges in a caring, transparent and entertaining way, it may perhaps be apparent to all that our world and our body communicate with nature. We should not allow them to be taken for granted and should not.
We can only react creatively and live through a transition from mechanical uniformity to complex multidimensionality. We should learn to deliberately use the brain with all its different options, like we can instead use a machine. This multi-dimensionality can be understood through the consciousness and love with which it flows.
There is an immense urgent need to break away from fixed roles and programmed reactions, to understand the crisis and be multi-faceted so that every one of us can grow his entire human potential. We can only behave lovingly and intelligently, respond and survive the crisis in this way. This crisis, this challenge, provides a massive, unrivaled opportunity to live together more compassionately and beautifully on this planet.
One of the most misleading attitudes and beliefs many people and even organizations have and adopt is that all human beings are the same. Many people go away with the idea that there is a standard approach or process for all people with similar problems and the same setting. This could be in the area of inspiration, performance management, parentship and therapy, assistance and rehabilitation while dealing with clients or victims. This could happen in the workplace.
It’s naive to think that all people with similar problems will react, respond or behave in the same situation, atmosphere or context. If this is the case, we wouldn’t be alive. It is well known that no two human beings are totally alike, not even twins, so why should we think that two people will think, react, and do likewise? The examples are numerous. Why do cash bonuses work for some workers at work and not for others, for example? How did two siblings grow up and experience the same setting and parenthood in the same household become quite different? Why does some therapeutic strategy seem to some clients more successful than others with similar problems? Why do different people react to sorrow and crisis differently?
This is also why the people sector is an interesting and challenging environment. There is no easy way out, one size fits every strategy or a certain winning formula for dealing with people. It’s a case of different strokes for different people at the end of the day. People in the human resources field must follow a highly personalized approach to be successful. But this can be achieved only through first knowing and respecting the person you deal with well enough, compassion and the genuine interest and maturity to respond appropriately to his / her needs. There is no way to achieve success to people by treating everyone the same way when you work in the people business. The people who work with you can say if you care. I believe that people who have no genuine interest or heart to care for should not work in the people field with respect and attention.
Fun Fact
What are the 4 types of personalities?
The four personality types are: Driver, Expressive, Amiable, and Analytical. There are two variables to identify any personality: Are they better at facts & data or relationships? And are they introverted or extroverted.
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